
Data Scientist with Python


1. Introduction to Python

① Python Basics
②Python Lists
③Functions and Packages

2. Intermediate Python

① Matplotlib
②Dictionaries & Pandas
③Logic, Control Flow and Filtering
⑤Case Study: Hacker Statistics

Project① Investigating Netflix Movies and Guest Stars in The Office

3. Data Manipulation with pandas

① Transforming DataFrames
② Aggregating DataFrames
③ Slicing and Indexing DataFrames
④ Creating and Visualizing DataFrames

Project② The Android App Market on Google Play

4. Joining Data with pandas

① Data Merging Basics
② Merging Tables With Different Join Types
③Advanced Merging and Concatenating
④Merging Ordered and Time-Series Data

Project③ The GitHub History of the Scala Language

5. Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib

① Introduction to Matplotlib
② Plotting time-series
③Quantitative comparisons and statistical visualizations
④Sharing visualizations with others

6. Introduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn

① Introduction to Seaborn
② Visualizing Two Quantitative Variables
③ Visualizing a Categorical and a Quantitative Variable
④ Customizing Seaborn Plots

7. Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)

① Writing your own functions
② Default arguments, variable-length arguments and scope

③ Lambda functions and error-handling

8. Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)

① Using iterators in PythonLand
② List comprehensions and generators
③Bringing it all together!

9. Intermediate Data Visualization with Seaborn

① Seaborn Introduction
② Customizing Seaborn Plots
③ Additional Plot Types
④ Creating Plots on Data Aware Grids

Project④ A Visual History of Nobel Prize Winners

Skill assessment① Data manipulation with python

10. Introduction to Importing Data in Python

① Introduction and flat files
② Importing data from other file types
③ Working with relational databases in Python

11. Intermediate Importing Data in Python

① Importing data from the Internet
② Interacting with APIs to import data from the web
③ Diving deep into the Twitter API

12. Cleaning Data in Python

① Common data problems
② Text and categorical data problems
③ Advanced data problems
④ Record linkage

13. Working with Dates and Times in Python

① Dates and Calendars
② Combining Dates and Times
③ Time Zones and Daylight Saving
④ Easy and Powerful: Dates and Times in Pandas

Skill assessment② Importing & Cleaning Data with Python

14. Writing Functions in Python

① Best Practices
② Context Managers
③ Decorators
④ More on Decorators

Skill assessment③ Python programming

15. Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

① Read, clean, and validate
② Distributions
③ Relationships
④ Multivariate Thinking

16. Analyzing Police Activity with pandas

① Preparing the data for analysis
② Exploring the relationship between gender and policing
③ Visual exploratory data analysis
④ Analyzing the effect of weather on policing

17. Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)

① Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis
② Quantitative Exploratory Data Analysis
③ Thinking Probabilistically-- Discrete Variables
④ Thinking Probabilistically-- Continuous Variables

18. Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 2)

① Parameter estimation by optimization
② Bootstrap confidence intervals
③ Introduction to hypothesis testing
④ Hypothesis test examples
⑤ Putting it all together: a case study

Project⑤ Dr. Semmelweis and the Discovery of Handwashing

19. Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

① Classification
② Regression
③ Fine-tuning your model
④ Preprocessing and pipelines

Project⑥ Predicting Credit Card Approvals

20. Unsupervised Learning in Python

① Clustering for dataset exploration
② Visualization with hierarchical clustering and t-SNE
③ Decorrelating your data and dimension reduction
④ Discovering interpretable features

21. Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in Python

① Classification and Regression Trees
② The Bias-Variance Tradeoff
③ Bagging and Random Forests
④ Boosting
⑤ Model Tuning

22. Case Study: School Budgeting with Machine Learning in Python

① Exploring the raw data
② Creating a simple first model
③ Improving your model
④ Learning from the experts

23. Cluster Analysis in Python

① Introduction to Clustering
② Hierarchical Clustering
③ K-Means Clustering
④ Clustering in Real World