
アップルが開発した新AI「ReALM」の全貌:Exploring Apple's New AI, "ReALM"

アップルの研究者たちは、「ReALM(Reference Resolution As Language Modeling、言語モデルとしてのリファレンス解決)」と名付けられた新技術を開発しました。この技術は、画面上に表示される内容から、その文脈を理解し、それに基づいて対応することができます。例えば、あなたがSiriに地元の薬局のリストを表示させた後、「レインボーロードにある薬局に電話して」と指示すると、ReALMは具体的にどの薬局に電話するかを理解し、行動を起こすことができます。これにより、AIが要求されたタスクをスムーズに実行することが可能となります。




The report below introduces a new artificial intelligence (AI) system called "ReALM" developed by Apple. This system can "see" and understand content displayed on a screen, enabling more natural conversations. Here, I will explain the technical content in an easily understandable way.

Apple's researchers have developed a new technology named "ReALM" (Reference Resolution As Language Modeling). This technology understands the context of what is displayed on the screen and acts accordingly. For example, if you ask Siri to display a list of local pharmacies and then instruct it to "call the pharmacy on Rainbow Road," ReALM can understand which specific pharmacy to contact and initiate action. This allows AI to perform requested tasks smoothly.

With the development of ReALM, compared to traditional AI, it is now possible to interpret information on the screen more accurately and take appropriate actions. For instance, it can extract a list of ingredients from a recipe displayed on the screen or recognize a phone number within an image and call it directly.

This technology is often compared with OpenAI's GPT-4, but while GPT-4 is primarily designed to understand natural images from the real world, ReALM specializes in understanding digital context on screens, excelling in this area.

Although Apple has been perceived as lagging behind other major tech companies in AI development, the advent of ReALM has narrowed this gap, potentially giving Apple a competitive edge. Apple continues to maintain a cautious approach in new product development while securing consumer trust with its strategy, yet it is enhancing its competitiveness in the AI field with innovative technologies like ReALM.

#アップルAI #ReALM #次世代技術
#AppleAI #ReALM #NextGenTech
