
"Bilingual Post" 「香川県スタートアップ必見!Web3.0&AI活用スタートアップビジネスカリキュラムの概要」




  • Web3.0の基礎: Web3.0って何?その歴史や技術について学びます。

  • ブロックチェーンとスマートコントラクト: ブロックチェーンやスマートコントラクトの基本。

  • AIの基礎: AIがどうやって言葉や画像を生成するのか。

  • ビジネス例: Web3.0やAIを使ったビジネス例を見てみましょう。

  • 暗号資産の基本と利用方法: 暗号資産の基礎知識と、ビジネスでの活用法を学びます。


  • 市場分析: 需要があるかどうか、市場は大きいか、競合は何かを考えます。

  • アイデアの評価: アイデアが技術的に実現可能か、経済的にも合理的か考えます。

  • プロトタイピング: 小さなプロトタイプを作って、人々の反応を見ましょう。


  • ビジョンとミッション: あなたのビジネスのビジョンやミッションをはっきりさせます。

  • マーケティング: どんなマーケティング戦略が良いか、どう差別化するか。

  • 収益モデル: 収益はどこから得るか、費用はどれくらいか。

  • 資金調達とチームビルディング: 資金はどう集めるか、チームはどう組むか。


  • 自動契約や自律的に動くアプリのプログラミング不要な開発ツールの操作方法。

  • 暗号資産の実践的な利用方法: 暗号資産の利用方法を深掘りします。

  • AIの活用: AIをどうビジネスに取り入れるか。

  • セキュリティ対策: セキュリティは大丈夫か、しっかりチェック。


  • ベータ版リリース: 試作版をリリースして、反応を見ます。

  • マーケティング活動: SNSや広告で知らせ、コミュニティを作りましょう。

  • 顧客獲得戦略: 顧客をどう獲得するか、サポートは?

  • 資金調達と創業支援団体との関係: 追加の資金は必要か、創業支援団体との関係は?







Title: "Must-See for Startups in Kagawa! Overview of the Web3.0 & AI Startup Business Curriculum"

To those of you considering starting a business in Kagawa, we have a special lesson plan for you. This plan teaches you how to shape your business ideas using the latest Web technologies and AI. We know you're already knowledgeable about technology. Let's use that knowledge to build your business from the idea stage to reality together.

Curriculum Content:

Starting from the Basics:

  • Introduction to Web3.0: What is Web3.0? Learn about its history and technology.

  • Blockchain and Smart Contracts: Basics of blockchain and smart contracts.

  • Fundamentals of AI: How AI generates text and images.

  • Business Examples: Explore business examples using Web3.0 and AI.

  • Basics and Uses of Cryptocurrency: Learn the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and how it can be used in business.

Finding Ideas:

  • Market Analysis: Determine if there is a demand, the size of the market, and who the competitors are.

  • Idea Evaluation: Assess whether your idea is technically feasible and economically rational.

  • Prototyping: Create a small prototype and observe people's reactions.

Crafting a Business Plan:

  • Vision and Mission: Clarify your business's vision and mission.

  • Marketing: Identify effective marketing strategies and differentiation.

  • Revenue Model: Determine where revenue will come from and the cost structure.

  • Funding and Team Building: How to raise funds and assemble a team.

Developing the Technology:

  • No-Code Development Tools for Smart Contracts and Autonomous Apps: Learn how to operate development tools that don't require programming.

  • Practical Use of Cryptocurrency: Delve deeper into how to utilize cryptocurrency.

  • Utilizing AI in Business: How to incorporate AI into your business.

  • Security Measures: Ensure your security measures are thorough.

Starting the Business:

  • Beta Release: Launch a prototype and gather feedback.

  • Marketing Activities: Promote your business through social media and advertisements, and build a community.

  • Customer Acquisition Strategy: How to acquire customers and provide support.

  • Funding and Relationship with Startup Support Organizations: Determine if additional funding is needed and establish relationships with startup support organizations.

Special Support:

  • Personalized Coaching: Support tailored to your level and needs.

  • Practical Learning: Real case studies and hands-on training.

  • Mentoring: Advice from experienced business support staff and specialists.

  • Networking: Connections with other startups and startup support organizations.


  • The curriculum can be adjusted according to your situation, allowing you to take any part of it as many times as you need.

  • There is also advice available on grants and subsidies from experts.

  • The curriculum is continuously updated with the latest information and technology trends.

This curriculum is designed to lead your business to success.

#香川スタートアップ #Web3入門 #AIビジネス #起業家育成 #技術革新カリキュラム
#Kagawa Startup #Web3 Introduction #AI Business #Entrepreneurship Development #Technology Innovation Curriculum
