
韓鶴子総裁『世界日報を政治家や学者が真っ先に目を通す新聞にしてください。』... 機関紙と宗教団体(創価学会)や政党(日本共産党)は不可分一体ですが、世界日報と旧統一教会は?


天地人真の父母様主管 神日本家庭連合 公職者 孝情 清平特別修練会 / 特別集会



Hyojeong Special Assembly Hosted by True Parents for FFWPU Heavenly Japan


Please make 世界日報 a newspaper which politicians and academics read through first.
Please make 世界日報 a newspaper which politicians and academics read through first.

The Washington Times



酷暑の日々が続いたこの夏以降、ジャニーズ事務所については新聞、雑誌、テレビ、ラジオ、数多くのインターネット上のサイトでジャニー喜多川氏を庇う発言は見当たりませんが、旧統一教会については世界日報と(何故か)月刊 Hanada が教団を擁護し続けています。





By 編集部 2023年10月26日









○貴氏ホームページ「統一協会=統一協会専用掲示板」上、2000年8月5日 嶋野一郎「木下世界日報社長のご乱行」および同8月8日 嶋野一郎「詐欺と恐喝で贅沢三昧の木下が許せない」について

1、貴殿は「WEB110 個人情報&ネットストーカー編(1999-2000年度版)」という本の中で、インターネットの掲示板について「そろそろインターネットの世界も、何らかの法的規制が必要なのかもしれませんね」と、その規制の必要性を指摘するとともに、「判決」の欄で「ネットの掲示板で実名を公開されて、いやがらせなど実害を受けたケースでは、民事訴訟でプライバシーの侵害を認める判決が出ている。また、掲示板で誹謗中傷などを行った場合は名誉毀損」と記しています。貴殿のこの言葉に則り、即刻上記記事を削除するよう要求します。


Tel 03-3476-3411(大代表)
Fax 03-3476-〇〇〇〇      
広報局長 黒木正博

実際には、The Washington Times を発行する The Washington Times, LLC、世界日報を発行する(株)世界日報社、세계일보セゲイルボ、世界日報)を発行する(주)세계일보사((株)世界日報社)、等の株式は旧統一教会の傘下にあった News World Communications Inc. が保有していた


と言われていますが、文鮮明教祖が健在であった2009年に王子の乱で文顕進氏(三男)が(韓鶴子夫人、文国進氏(四男)、文享進氏(七男)、他によって)追放された際に、文顕進氏の支配下にあった(主に)米国内の関連企業と一緒に News World Communications Inc. は旧統一教会(文鮮明教祖)から切り離されました。

その後、教祖の存命中に(旧統一教会(HSA-UWC、名称変更後は FFWPU)の傘下にある Operations Holdings Inc. の子会社)TWT (The Washington Times) Holdings LLC  News World Communications Inc. から The Washington Times を発行する The Washington Times, LLC の株式を購入した旧統一教会が買い戻した)と報道されています。旧統一教会は、同様に、世界日報セゲイルボも文顕進氏から買い戻したのではないかと推測されます。

Subsidiaries of HSA-UWC (Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity)





これが『統一教会』の秘部だ  –   世界日報事件で〝追放〟された側の告発


虚偽で悪意の印象操作 番組制作は「放送倫理違反」

By 編集部 2022年10月1日

株式会社世界日報社は9月13日、読売テレビ「情報ライブ ミヤネ屋」に対し、8月16日に放映された番組「旧統一教会と世界日報 元記者が関係を語る」が不公平・不公正で事実に反すると抗議し、訂正と謝罪を求める文書を送付した。これに対して読売テレビからは回答期限の9月15日までに返信がなかった。










世界日報が創刊された当時の写真はインターネット上に見当たりませんが、The Washington Times 創刊時の写真をみても、集権的かつ独裁的なオーナー教団において教祖の鶴の一声で新聞が創刊され、その後、長年に渡って教団が(間接的に)膨大な赤字を補填し続けたことは想像に難くありません。

Reverend Sun Myung Moon autographs an early edition of The Washington Times with supporters.







自民党が密かに準備していた「宗教を規制する法案」をすっぱ抜く。この報道を基に国会で追及 1996年(平成8年)1月24日付


第136回国会 衆議院 本会議 第2号 平成8年1月24日

 議事日程 第二号
 一 国務大臣の演説に対する質疑


小沢一郎 議員












株式会社 世界日報社 代表取締役社長 黒木正博 氏

Interview of Sekai Nippo's President Masuhiro Kuroki - The Sekai Nippo Story

Jin Hun Yong   February 3, 2020

Question: Please tell our readers the Sekai Nippo creation story.

Sekai Nippo was established on January 1, 1975. The background at that time was that the Vietnam War had recently finished [January 27, 1973] and the Americans had lost. The Americans, who fought on the side of the Free World, lost to Vietnam, which is a communist country. At that time the power of the communists covered most of the world, two-thirds. Communists controlled countries in Asia, Africa and elsewhere. It affected Japan, especially in the belt area from Tokyo to Osaka. That area became Leftist. Japan worried that communists would control the whole country. The Media mainly supported the Leftists. Rev. Moon worried about the Japanese situation. Teacher Sun Myung Moon said that if Japan keeps going in this direction, it will become a communist country. He said we need a media outlet that opposes communism. We need media that have a clear anti-communist view and know what real freedom is. Father wanted to make Sekai Nippo an advocate. Based on that purpose, the establishment of Sekai Nippo took place in 1975. Sekai Nippo stood against communists who opposed freedom of the Press and freedom of religion.

Question: When Korea's Segye Times began, foreign members distributed it and sold subscriptions. How did you first get subscriptions to Sekai Nippo?

Father said to make Sekai Nippo known all around Japan. Many members went house to house putting the newspaper in mailboxes. But there was a strong reaction against that. We had a problem with that. Sekai Nippo challenged all other newspapers by criticizing them and promoted our unprecedented values. This made a strong impression on the Japanese people.

Question: Have you gotten exclusive stories?

In 1996, the poison attack on the subway by Aum Shinrikyo [a doomsday religious group] shocked the world and made people disbelieve in religion. At that time, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the governing party, tried to regulate religions. The LDP had written a bill to make this a law. Russia and China disallow religion; Japan has freedom of religion, but with passage of that bill, the reality would be the same as disallowing religion. That was a Sekai Nippo scoop. We got a draft of the bill and printed it in the newspaper under a big headline. This made a strong impression on religious people. The opposition also made this a big issue. In the Diet [Japan's national legislature], Ichiro Ozawa, head of the opposition Liberal Party, held up the Sekai Nippo newspaper and said, "This does not protect religion, it incriminates religion!" This was deeply influential. The LDP said that it was not being done publicly but by just a few people in the party. In that way the bill disappeared. Rev. Moon said, "You did a good job. You saved Japan, because if the bill had passed Japan would be the same as a communist country."

Question: You recently entered into a sisterhood relationship with Nepal Republic Media.

Yes, when a representative came from Nepal to Japan. It's not a strict partnership. We had some contact at the Nepal Summit and now on we have partnership. It's casual; we do not exchange articles. Yesterday we established the International Media Association for Peace (IMAP) to realize world peace, which Rev. Moon and Mrs. Moon advocate. Of course the driving forces are political and economic power, but the media should lead it. Media work is archangel work. When Rev. Moon and Mrs. Moon speak, they often emphasize the Media's importance. Through this event (the Centenary of True Parents' and their sixtieth Holy Wedding anniversary) I hope the Media can contribute to making world peace. This time, the establishment of IMAP comes just at the right time. The Media is at a turning point. The establishment of IMAP is meaningful.

Question: What lasting influence has Sekai Nippo had on Japan?

Because since its establishment, Sekai Nippo has had a clear anti-communist intention. Japanese people know this well. Ex-PM Nakasone, who died last year, several times visited our company's symposium. Sekai Nippo represents conservative opinions and Sekai Nippo knows the Korean Peninsula's situation in detail. It's a newspaper that cannot be ignored.



Approaching the "flow of money" of the Sun Myung Moon Empire

Text by Marc Fisher

In the wake of the murder of former Prime Minister Abe, the former Unification Church has been scrutinized, and the US newspaper "Washington Post" has cut into the relationship between its funding sources and big-name politicians. According to former church executives and cult researchers, Japan is the "gold vein" that produces 70% of the wealth of this global cult.

A world empire that makes money with fortune telling fraud

Door-to-door sales aimed at mourning elderly people and networking with prominent politicians ── The Unification Church of the World Peace (formerly the Unification Church) can rely on Japan most for decades with these two wheels. Has been established as.

Experts who have studied the spiritual and lucrative world empire built by Guru Sun Myung Moon point out so.

And now, when the suspect in the murder of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has told police that he had a grudge against a "specific religious group," the former Unification Church admitted that the suspect's mother was a believer. The church, which has long been controversial in the country, is once again scrutinized.

According to Japanese media reports, Tetsuya Yamagami said in a police interrogation that his mother went bankrupt under pressure to donate a huge amount to a religious group. Tomihiro Tanaka, the former chairman of the Unification Church in Japan, held a press conference on July 11, revealing that Yamagami's mother has been a believer since around 1998, but said she had no information about her donation.

The former Unification Church manages dozens of church facilities in Japan, including the Nara branch, which is hundreds of meters away from Abe's shooting site.

Abe, like many other world leaders, attended events related to the former Unification Church and was paid a lecture fee. He most recently sent a video message to an event held in September 2021.

It was an event hosted by Hak Ja Han Moon, Sun Myung Moon's wife and known as the "True Mother" in the church. To Hak Ja Han Moon, who will be the head of the church after Sun Myung Moon's death, Abe said, "I am deeply grateful to you for your tireless efforts to resolve world conflicts, especially the peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula."

Former US President Donald Trump also made a remote appearance at the event, celebrating Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon.

Bush and Gorbachev …

Throughout its history, the Unification Church and its affiliates have paid large sums to invite world political leaders, celebrities and prominent clerics from other religions to speak. This is a long-standing strategy for winning credibility by associating a church with a famous and respected person.

"They will make money for anyone who gives them legitimacy."

That's what Larry Gilliox, who has long studied the business and political initiatives of the former Unification Church around the world.

"If you gain credibility with such a big name, you will be able to attract more local influential people, even locally."

For example, in the mid-1990s, former US Presidents George HW Bush and Gerald Ford, US comedian Bill Cosby, and former Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev hosted Bunmei in Japan and Washington. I am giving a lecture at the conference.

When Bush gave a lecture in Tokyo, the Unification Church was regarded as a problem in Japan in class action proceedings over extortion of donations. According to the complaint, the plaintiffs were pressured to make a large donation to promise the happiness of the deceased family in the world.

At the time, the Washington Post reported that Bush had taken the stage at an event related to such a controversial religious group, and Bush announced that he would donate $ 80,000 to the charity.

A bag containing a wad of bills sent from Japan to NY

For more than 60 years, the former Unification Church and its sects have relied on Japan as a profit center to fund their activities around the world, including the United States, as evidenced by studies by scholars and government investigators. I have pointed out.

It is well known that there are unification church media in various countries around the world, including the "Washington Times" newspaper launched by Sun Myung Moon in the United States, but even if these businesses lose money, the church will still be based on the "fortune telling fraud" in Japan. I was able to count on a strong source of revenue.

Steve Hassan, a former believer and author of a destructive cult book, says.

"Japanese believers scan the death column of the newspaper, visit the bereaved family's house, and cut out,'Your loved one has communicated with us.' And'Go to the bank so that you can ascend in the spirit world. I want you to send money to the Unification Church. "

The roots of the former Unification Church are South Korea, but according to historians who have studied the organization, it is Japan that has traditionally provided 70% of the church's wealth. A former Japanese church executive once told The Washington Post that $ 800 million was flowing from Japan to US bases in the mid-1970s and mid-1980s.

Former church executive Ron Packet, who managed the Manhattan Center in New York, which the Unification Church purchased in 1976, said, "Hundreds of bags of cash from South Korea and Japan to the Manhattan Center. I've been sent a number of big bags with wads of bills, "he told the newspaper in 1997 as well.

"When I asked where the money came from, the answer was always'from Father'," Packet said. "Father" is the name used by believers for Sun Myung Moon.

Japan is a country subordinate to South Korea

According to Sun Myung Moon's theological theory, South Korea is the country of "Adam," the hometown of the people destined to rule the world, and Japan is the country of "Eve," which is subordinate to South Korea. He explains that Sun Myung Moon was tasked with salvating humanity when Eve had a sexual relationship with Satan and humanity had fallen.

When the guru died in 2012, his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, became president of the Unification Church.

Hak Ja Han Moon reigns at the top of the cult after Sun Myung Moon's death. Photo by Chung Sung-Jun / Getty Images at a joint wedding in South Korea in 2017

On the other hand, Hyung Jin Moon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bun, founded a branch organization "Sanctuary Church" that is in opposition to the head family, and has also advanced to Japan. Hyung Jin Moon's sect, known in the United States as the English name Sean, is based in New Fundland, Pennsylvania, and claims that the deadly AR-15 rifle plays an important role in religious ceremonies.

Sean's brother Justin, also known as Moon Kook-jin, also owns a gun manufacturing company in Pennsylvania. He is called the "true son" in the church and was sent to Japan around 2008-2009 before his father died. He was to resist Japan's move to deprive the church of its legal status.

Moon Kook-jin recalled in a speech in the United States in 2010 that it was "a very difficult time." "Because the police were conducting a large-scale investigation into our church. We arrested church members and stepped into the maintenance of church facilities …"

He also denied in this speech that the church was pressing the Japanese to make large donations. He then said he had spoken to large Japanese donors, and continued.

"I asked them,'What drives you so much to donate?' And in so many cases,'My ancestors came and told me to do so. That's the answer. "
