We should go abroad.

I think that people should go abroad to improve foreign languages skills, to meet a diverse range of people and to gain life experiences.

First, if people go abroad, they will improve their foreign languages skills. They don’t remember the foreign languages skills they learned in school. So, if they go abroad, they refresh themselves and they might be surprised at how much they remember. Also, from speaking with their host family and watching local TV shows and ordering food at restaurants, and even reading the advertising pinned up around town, every interaction with the local culture will be adding new words to their vocabulary and deepening their understanding of the language.

Second, if people go abroad, they will meet a diverse range of people. To meet many different types of people will not only help them to develop people skills, but it will also give them a knowledge of others. Also, they can make lifelong friends in a foreign country.

Third, one of the ultimate reasons to go abroad is to gain life experiences. They will learn how to organize their life. They’re not just learning a language; they’re learning how to survive in an entirely new culture. Wherever they go, local life will be different from back home. Once they go abroad, they may enjoy themselves and live abroad. They may end up spending their life there

In conclusion, if people go abroad, they will get a lot of advantages. So I recommend they should go abroad.
