
I told her I like alone. She told me to learn to pick cabbage.

I like being alone. I'm used to it. Aunt Natsuko does it. Why can't I?

-Your not like Aunty Natsu. She loves working at the Kyabakura. Men propose to her every night. In fact she said that she will marry this year.
Kyabakura took a big hit in corona. Older, divorced, or tired of their wife men who are "wealthy" go to kyabakura these days.
Yup! Recently men at a certain age give up on young cute girls and prefer an attractive older woman. CMC! Corona Mind Control.
This is off subject! Anyways, please think about our mother. She is worried about you. 

Why? She don't care about me. To her, I am as good as dead.

-Well she did catch you in bed naked with your friend Nanami having sex. What did you expect? If it was a boy, you could have gotten pregnant. Mom wants a grandchild. She's old school boy and girl stuff! Ya know!

I'm not gay. I loved her. Anyways that was over years ago.

-Did you hear? Nanami got married. I found out at the local dentist. She works there. She is beautiful and kind. I see why you slept with her.

I know she married the owner of the dental clinic. He is like 50 plus years old and a pervert. He always hired young girls an stared at their boobs.

-Look! I'm gona tell mom and dad that I want to marry this year too.

"What!" With who? That American? He's like 50 years old and a pervert. All his friends are women. Dad's gona kill you.

-There are reasons why women want to befriend him. He's well spoken, and he treats all women, beautiful or not so, young and old, the same way.
Women don't like perverts! That should tell you something. Women want what they like. If they like something, it becomes a hobby, an interest, and in my case, my husband.

Can he still?

-Yup! All the dam time. I have to be careful to keep my clothes on. Take showers before he comes home or after he sleeps. Dress in the other room. Foreign men love women. I accept that. When he turns 60, his hunger will decrease. Until then, I will not deny him his favorite food.

"Eeew!" Anyways, you're gona leave me all alone?

-You like being alone. Your used to it.
Here's what I think. You like solo style. Many men are used to solo style, but don't like it. That is your common point. Keep an eye out for these men. Tokyo is an endless field of cabbage. Become a farmer. You got to start picking them. They wont pick themselves.

I hate dirt. I don't like to get dirty. I can't be a farmer.

-Ok! Focus!
The next cabbage you see that is remotely edible, "Rip it out of the ground!"
Pull off some the leaves to see if it is good for you to eat.
If it's good. Wash it off with water. Peal more leaves.
Wash and peal. Wash and peal! Repeat.
2 things will happen. 1, you will learn how to pick and prepare cabbage in many different ways. 2, cabbage will become a comfort food. If you don't have it, your will want it. And yes, you will get dirty. That's life!

What ever, but thanks sis!
Are you hungry? I am! Let's go for coffee and observe this field of cabbage together. I'm nervous and I'm not used to getting dirty.    
