
He said he will die single because of corona. I said Disney Magic!

Random Zoom chatting while remote working.

Corona sucks! People don't go out like they used to. It's boring!
I'm gona die single!

-It's not that bad! Plus you didn't really try to get a girlfriend before corona hit. It's your fault!

Easy for you to say! You have a hot girl already. You don't have to go out. She's probably at your house now.
Is that her helmet I see in the back ground on the counter? Ducati girl, right?

-Ducati is my ex. Now it's Kawasaki girl.
To tell you truth, I don't know what happened. I can't even recall the reason we broke up. I feel it must have been a misunderstanding on my part.
I sent a short message, "Good bye". But I think "Good bye" could be mistaken as a signal for "I'm breaking up, Good bye!" I mean the G was in a capitol letter because it is the beginning of the sentence. You know!

Idiot! You should have said "bye bye" or "see you later"!
Good bye is like, sayonara! Kinda like farewell. You know all the American movies say "Good bye" or "Farewell" when it's The End.

-Oh Sh_t! Really? Maybe that's why I got a reply:
"Ok, but we can still meet to eat or have sex".

Did you take her up on the offer! 

-Yes I did! I would be stupid if I didn't. We ate and then she had those waiting eyes, and,… I just hugged her and rode off on my motorcycle. I can't explain but it didn't feel right to break up and just have sex after. That's not the rule. Break up is break up!
Now that I think about it, I should have, huh! 

"Water under the bridge!"

-Naruhodo! Anyways, here's the plan! I'm taking you MEGA Don Quihote in Odaiba.

Why? There's one closer.

-Come on! Everyone knows that if you want to hook up, go to MDQ on route 246 in Kanagawa. It's open 24-7. Around midnight the magic happens.


-Disney magic! Loads of girls go. Usually in pairs or a group. It's like a club, but without shopping. Dressed up nicely or more on the revealing side, depending on their motivation to attract men. Men go for the same reason. The parking lot is like Fast n Furious. Custom cars or groups meet up and chat all night in the parking lot smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. Girls pass by the groups to enter the store and guys follow.
If the girl is by herself, she is ready to hook up. Oh yah! Just be her type!

Disney Quihote? Love at first sight! I'm in! Let's go! 

-Good! I need to get face lotion anyways. My girl will come and she's bringing friends. My car seats only 4 people so you'll have to let a girl sit on your lap ok! The police don't care as long as we drive safe.

"On my lap?" Disney magic is real! Thank you Kamesama!
