
Thanks to all the wonderful writers on Note! Now I have a changed opinion about the world!

I have stopped buying books since I found Note.


Daily I read some amazing stories on Note. Sometimes I can't believe some of the talent, creativity, and skill of Noters (people who write on Note.com).

Also I spend a lot time looking at a computer screen, so it is easy to take a 10 minute break to read 1 or 2 stories.

Every day I am completely captivated by stories by people who feel they don't have good writing abilities. Or..
Maybe they are just noting for record of life.
Mental rehab.
Stress relief.

As for me. My excuse? I'm looking for aliens. Other life forms.
Sadly I haven't found any yet! 

However, what I've found were peoples thoughts, written wonderfully by their heart,
or quickly out of lack of time,
or a diary of love,
or an exhaust for love lost or unattainable,
or difficulties in life,
and so on and so on.
Every day! An endless array of living notes.
The result? An indirect line of imagination and raw emotion to the reader.
The reader, "me", is the third person in this conversation.
Note told me that Noter said that she met Mr. Right, da-da-da, and so on.

1st person= Noter
2nd person= Note.com
3 person= Reader 

My world is small. I've made it that way.
I like what I like. I get what I want which means I don't go far beyond my abilities.
I will never change. Favorite color is black. Number? "7"
I'm easy.
I'm complex.
I'm invisible.
I enjoy being present to those wish me to be.
On the other hand, I don't change much.

Two months ago, If you asked me what I think about people in Japan, my response would be;
Look the same.
Dress the same.
Act the same. Monotoned. Eco mode. Only live.

If you asked me today my opinion?
No longer look the same. Everyone is unique.
No longer dress the same. Unique. Beautiful. Handsome. Rainbow.

No longer act the same? Reading your Notes has changed my mind 100%.
Everyone is amazing! Different. Colorful.
Beyond any compliments I can ever give.
I must limit my reading of Notes because my heart will explode or I'll go crazy with imagination and dream all day.

Please accept my apology for my previous opinions about you.
I am a result of a small world. I'm changing.

I'm sorry!

