Three favorite word/quotes

Hi there, Its day 13 of blogging. 

I changed my team at work recently and have been quite busy. forgive me for not being able to blog every day. 

Anyways, let's talk about today's topic. My favorite quotes/word.

I don't have a favorite quote I go back to, but I love looking through them and today these four sparkled to me. 

I was looking through my past Facebook pictures, and I realized I grew up the life stages too fast compared to others. I started job hunting when I was 19, started working when I just turned 21, and now have been working for 3 years already. 

When I was 19, I knew nothing about myself or the world. I didn't even allow myself to explore. I was caught up in not being left behind by people. I was rushing through everything. When I look back I just wished I had moved my life slower cuz there was no reason to rush. Therefore, these two quotes spoke to me today. 

"Give me permission to slow down"

"There is more to life than simply increasing speed"

If I were to give myself a time to reflect, If I had time to put my choices at first, I think life would have been much better. I think I would have been more confident and may have found the job I would be interested in. Yet, this is not to say it is too late. I am still 24 and I have so much time still. I am glad I realized this early enough to understand to slow down and focus on myself and also explore the world.



The next one is to love me. I often forget to take care of myself.

I grew up thinking helping others, other peoples happiness reflects to me at the end so I tend to put others over me. This is in fact true and I believe in this. But what i realized further is that if I am not truly happy, I cannot make others happy. I can give them surface help but this is just a short term effect. If i were to be truly happy, to make myself helpful to others I have to rescue and be happy by myself. I am not yet there. 

We first have to put ourselves first, we have to take care of ourselves and when there is space for others we should provide them. 

"it's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, or to make your happiness a priority, it is necessary"


The last quote is to belive in myself.

Sometimes you need someone to cheer you up and in those moments I look at this quote. I tend to put my values below the actual value. My friends often tell me. So I look at this quote and remind myself that I am much better and greater than I personally think about myself.

Everyone needs a cheerleader you know!


anyways this is it for today.

Thanks for tuning in and let me know your favorite quote.

Nice dreams and see you soon. 
