
北米版で行くグランドオーダー ~日米fgo比べ読みプレイまとめ集

...Humans' stories are dazzling, brief journeys, like the twinkling of the stars. They are stories of love and hope.




亜種特異点IV 禁忌降臨庭園 セイレム

Thou art a sinner...the knots in seven ropes.


Lostbelt No.1 永久凍土帝国 アナスタシア

You're used to this sort of thing by now, right? Let's go save this world.
アンタにはいつもの事だろう? 世界を救いに行こうか。

Lostbelt No.2 無間氷焔世紀 ゲッテルデメルング

...I've always hated Sundays.

Lostbelt No.3 人智統合真国 シン

Ah, Yu, my Yu. What will your fate be...?
虞や虞や 若を奈何せん―――

Lostbelt No.4 創世滅亡輪廻 ユガ・クシェートラ

After all, he's the only god here. The one, final god.

You're a good man, Myourenji. You really know how to take care of people.

What's the purpose in repeating the cycle of purging and destruction!? It's to trample down all evil of this world!
粛清と壊劫を繰り返したは何のためか……!? この世全ての悪を、踏破するためだ!

The world is full of unknowns, and it's brimming not just with evil, but also good...

Lostbelt No.5 神代巨神海洋 アトランティス

Maybe it's about time you started thinking about setting sail again, Mr. Captain of the Argo?

When I point my bow at her, I won't do it out of anger or hatred. It'll be out of pity.

And in the wake of all their great deeds, there is now nothing and no one left in this sea.

Lostbelt No.5 星間都市山脈 オリュンポス

And indeed, Kirschtaria is sentient. But no mere reed could ever be that strong.

As of today, humanity will bring down the very concept of gods.

Lostbelt No.6 妖精円卓領域 アヴァロン・ル・フェ

Forgive us. Forgive us. Forgive us our sins.

...I see her. A shining star pushing her way through the crowd into the heart of the disaster.

It doesn't matter. Retreat is not an option. We're going to defeat Barghest here and now.

That's why my life belongs to her. My whole reason for being is making her wishes come true.

That's right. It's exactly what I've wanted someone to say to me for a long time now. "It's okay. You've done enough. You don't have to finish what you started."

Welcome to Faerie Britain, fair guests. I hope you remember its beauty for the rest of your lives.

Now, lift the curtain on this tragedy! This is where your pilgrimage comes to an end!
さあ、悲劇の幕をブチ上げろ! 巡礼の旅は、ここで終わりだ!

…What the hell? Why is this happening?


深海電脳楽土 SE.RA.PH

...But our hearts will be linked. Always.

地獄界曼荼羅 平安京

My dear Chaldeans...when all is said and done, the last laugh shall be mine!

So, I ask you, Sakata Kintoki: Why do you take up your blade? Why do you stand and fight!?

Very nice to meet you! I am a monk, as well as an onmyou priest, with the True Name of Ashiya Douman.
お初にお目に掛かります! 拙僧、真名を蘆屋道満と申す法師にて陰陽師―――

非霊長生存圏 ツングースカ・サンクチュアリ

Oh, I think you will, Koyanskaya. After all... This is a mutually beneficial business deal, no?

死想顕現界域 トラオム

Partake of the rebellion.

This is a mission we've taken up knowing full well that we might not make it home.

