

“How the giraffe's long neck evolved has long been an evolutionary mystery” said a recent article.1 For many decades it was thought by evolutionists (i.e. Darwin) that the impetus for a slowly elongating neck of the giraffe was reaching for high foliage on the African plains. Now evolutionists believe it was courtship competition that was possibly “the driving force behind the evolution of long necks” with males confronting each other and swinging their two-to-three-meter-long necks in battle.
This research contributes to understanding how the giraffe's long neck evolved as well as to understanding the extensive integration of courtship struggles and feeding pressure. In fact, the neck size of male giraffes is directly related to social hierarchy, and courtship competition is the driving force behind the evolution of long necks.1
Evolutionists from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted their study on the activity of a bizarre early giraffoid called Discokeryx xiezhi that allegedly lived “17 million years ago.” “’A full skull and four cervical vertebrae were part of the find,” and it “featured many unique characteristics among mammals, including the development of a disc-like large ossicone [horn-like structure] in the middle of its head,’ said Prof. Deng Tao from IVPP. . .”1
 中国科学院古脊椎動物古人類学研究所(IVPP)の進化学者たちは、「1700万年前」に生きていたとされるディスコケリクス・シエジー(Discokeryx xiezhi)という奇妙な初期のジラフォイド(キリンの先祖と考えらている種)の活動に関する研究を行いました。「完全な頭蓋骨と4つの頸椎が発見され、頭部の中央に円盤状の大きなオシコーン(角のような構造)があるなど、哺乳類の中でもユニークな特徴を備えている」とIVPPのDeng Tao教授は述べています。
It should be noted while giraffes of today and extinct Discokeryx xiezhi belong to the same superfamily (Giraffoidea), they are not evolutionary relatives due to their neck and skull morphologies differing greatly.
 なお、現在のキリンと絶滅したディスコケリクス・シエジー(Discokeryx xiezhi)は同じ上科(Giraffoidea)に属しますが、首や頭蓋骨の形態が大きく異なるため、進化上の近縁種とは言えません。

This is also true for the cervical anatomy of another extinct genus of Giraffidae called Samotherium major.
 これは、サモテリウムメジャー (Samotherium major)というキリン科の別の絶滅した属の頸部解剖学にも言えることです。
The exceptional occurrence of an almost complete neck of an intermediate giraffid allows for a comprehensive analysis of the anatomical features, and for comparisons to the short-necked okapi and long-necked giraffe. Samotherium major is not a direct ancestor of the giraffe or the okapi, however, it does share several common characteristics with the two extant taxa.2 
 中間キリン科の首がほぼ完全に残っているのは例外的で、解剖学的特徴を総合的に分析し、短首のオカピや長首のキリンと比較することができます。サモテリウムメジャー(Samotherium major)はキリンやオカピの直接の祖先ではありませんが、現存する2つの分類群とはいくつかの共通した特徴をもっています。
Although remarkable, the morphological features of intermediate-necked giraffids, which play a significant role in the evolutionary transformation of the neck, remain largely unknown. While they are closely related, these species are not direct ancestors to the long-necked giraffe.2
The article has a cautionary tone and ends with a just-so story.  
It is possible that, among giraffe ancestors during this period, mating males developed a way of attacking their competitors by swinging their necks and heads. This extreme struggle, supported by sexual selection, thus led to the rapid elongation of the giraffe's neck over a period of 2 million years to become the extant genus, Giraffa. [emphasis added].1
Non-evolutionists continue to wait for the unearthing of fossilized giraffe necks, that, over a course of “2 million years,” are progressively longer and would directly document short-to-long necks.
 . . . Giraffa's marginal ecological niche may have promoted extreme intraspecific courtship competition, which in turn may have promoted extreme morphological evolution [i.e. macroevolution]. [emphasis added]1
Clearly “the cervical vertebrae of Discokeryx xiezhi are very stout and have the most complex joints between head and neck and between cervical vertebrae of any mammal”1 but this hardly solves the giraffe neck evolutionary mystery. 
  明らかに、ディスコケリクス・シエジー(Discokeryx xiezhi)の頸椎は非常に頑丈で、哺乳類の中で最も複雑な頭頸間の関節と頸椎間の関節を持っていますが、これでキリンの首の進化の謎が解けたとは言えません。
