

– Worsening outdoor air pollution and toxic lead poisoning have kept global deaths from environmental contamination at an estimated 9 million per year since 2015 – countering modest progress made in tackling pollution elsewhere, a team of scientists reported Tuesday.

Air pollution from industry processes along with urbanization drove a 7% increase in pollution-related deaths from 2015 to 2019, according to the scientists’ analysis of data on global mortality and pollution levels.

“We’re sitting in the stew pot and slowly burning,” said Richard Fuller, a study co-author and head of the global nonprofit Pure Earth. But unlike climate change, malaria, or HIV, “we haven’t given (environmental pollution) much focus.”
 調査の共著者であり、世界的な非営利団体Pure Earthの代表であるRichard Fuller氏は、「私たちはシチュー鍋の中に座って、ゆっくりと燃えているのです。しかし、気候変動やマラリア、HIVとは異なり、私たちは(環境汚染に)あまり注目してきませんでした。」と述べています。

An earlier version of the work published in 2017 also estimated the death toll from pollution at roughly 9 million per year — or about one of every six deaths worldwide — and the cost to the global economy at up to $4.6 trillion per year. That puts pollution on par with smoking in terms of global deaths. COVID-19, by comparison, has killed about 6.7 million people globally since the pandemic began.

For their most recent study, published in the online journal Lancet Planetary Health, the authors analyzed 2019 data from the Global Burden of Disease, an ongoing study by the University of Washington that assesses overall pollution exposure and calculates mortality risk.
 オンラインジャーナル「Lancet Planetary Health」に掲載された最新の研究において、著者らはワシントン大学が継続的に行っている汚染の影響を総合的に評価し、死亡リスクを算出する研究「Global Burden of Disease」の2019年のデータを分析しました。

The new analysis looks more specifically at the causes of pollution – separating traditional contaminants such as indoor smoke or sewage from more modern pollutants, like industrial air pollution and toxic chemicals. Here are some of the key takeaways:


Deaths from traditional pollutants are declining globally. But they remain a major problem in Africa and some other developing countries. Tainted water and soil and dirty indoor air put Chad, the Central African Republic and Niger as the three countries with the most pollution-related deaths, according to data adjusted for population.

State programs to cut indoor air pollution and improvements in sanitation have helped to curb death tolls in some places. In Ethiopia and Nigeria, these efforts brought related deaths to drop by two-thirds between 2000 and 2019. Meanwhile, the Indian government in 2016 began offering to replace wood-burning stoves with gas stove connections.


Deaths caused by exposure to modern pollutants such as heavy metals, agrochemicals and fossil fuel emissions are “just skyrocketing”, rising 66% since 2000, said co-author Rachael Kupka, executive director of the New York-based Global Alliance on Health and Pollution.
 重金属、農薬、化石燃料の排出など現代の汚染物質へさらされることによる死亡は、2000年以来66%増加しており、「まさに急増している」と、ニューヨークを拠点とする健康と汚染に関するGlobal Allianceの執行役員であり共著者のRachael Kupka氏は述べています。

When it comes to outdoor air pollution, some major capital cities have seen some success, including in Bangkok, China, and Mexico City, the authors said. But in smaller cities, pollution levels continue to climb.


The study offered a list of the 10 countries most affected by pollution-related deaths, based on their findings on mortality adjusted for population.

1.     Chad; 2. Central African Republic; 3. Niger; 4. Solomon Islands; 5. Somalia; 6. South Africa; 7. North Korea; 8. Lesotho; 9. Bulgaria; 10. Burkina Faso
1. チャド、2.中央アフリカ共和国、3.ニジェール、4.ソロモン諸島、5.ソマリア、6.南ア、7.北朝鮮、8.レソト、9.ブルガリア、10.ブルキナファソ
