

Your Functional ''Yolk Sac''

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Sep. 11, 2023

For decades, evolutionists pointed to dozens of ‘useless artifacts’ of the human body to make their questionable case for evolution.

But the creation worldview states that God doesn’t make any junk. Therefore, when evolutionists proclaim tissue or structures in our body are useless,1,2 one can count on methodical investigation and research to ultimately reveal a God-given function.

Evolutionary relics in the human body that were once thought to be useless include the gill slits, tail, and yolk sac. They appear during our embryonic development at about the one-month stage. Scientific research has since found that two (the yolk sac and gill slits) of these three structures have critical functions and are therefore not purposeless. Even our “tail”—the base of the spine called the coccyx—provides attachment for muscles involved in the defecation process.

Our “gill slits” (pharyngeal throat pouches) are critical,3 “The first pair of pharyngeal pouches become the auditory cavities of the middle ear and the associated eustachian tubes. The second pair of pouches gives rise to the walls of the tonsils.”4 The parathyroid and thymus glands—which are essential for life—come from the third and fourth.
 私たちの 「鰓裂」(咽頭喉頭嚢)は非常に重要です。第1対の咽頭嚢は、中耳の聴覚腔とそれに付随する耳管となります。第二対の嚢は扁桃腺の壁を形成します。生命維持に不可欠な副甲状腺と胸腺は、この3番目と4番目にあります。

Recently, details regarding the critical function of our “yolk sac” have been published in Science magazine by 61 life scientists:

The yolk sac (YS) generates the first blood and immune cells and provides nutritional and metabolic support to the developing embryo. Our current understanding of its functions derives from pivotal studies in model systems, and insights from human studies are limited. Single-cell genomics technologies have facilitated the interrogation of human developmental tissues at [an] unprecedented resolution. Atlases of blood and immune cells from multiple organs have been greatly enhanced by focused, time-resolved analyses of specific tissues.5

The same authors also stated in their paper, “Our findings revealed YS contributions to metabolic and nutritional support and to early hematopoiesis [the formation and development of blood cellular components].”5

Such functions hardly sound like vestiges of evolution! Indeed, Gary Parker, using a creation science worldview, described one of the functions of the yolk sac in the first edition (1980) of his book:
 このような機能は、進化の名残とはとても思えません!実際、Gary Parkerは創造科学の世界観を用い、彼の著書の初版(1980年)で卵黄嚢の機能のひとつを次のように説明しています:

You need blood in order to form the bone marrow that later on is going to form blood. So, where do you get the blood first? Why not use a structure similar to the yolk sac in chickens? The DNA and protein for making it are “common stock” building materials. Since it lies conveniently outside the embryo, it can easily be discarded after it has served its temporary—but vital—function. Notice, this is exactly what we would expect as evidence of good creative design and engineering practice.6
 「後に血液を作る骨髄を形成するためには血液が必要です。では、まずどこから血液を得るのでしょうか?ニワトリの卵黄嚢のような構造を使えばいいのではないでしょうか?血液を作るためのDNAとタンパク質は "ありふれた "材料です。胚の外側にあるため、一時的ではあるが重要な機能を果たした後は簡単に捨てることができます。これこそ、私たちが創造的なデザインと工学の優れた実践の証拠として期待することなのです。」

 ICR’s Randy Guliuzza, M.D., describes this important structure in more detail:
 ICR の Randy Guliuzza 医学博士は、この重要な構造について詳しく次のように説明しています:

The embryo makes RBCs first, his most necessary blood component. These distinctive cells are made by the inner lining of blood vessels in a temporary structure outside the embryo called the yolk sac, which in people is actually a "blood forming sac" that never contains yolk. This misguided name was given because it was believed to have "arisen" in a pre-human animal ancestor and because it initially contains a yellow substance.

The progenitor RBCs eventually migrate from the yolk sac to the liver and spleen, which become the lead cell-forming sites by the mid-second month of gestation.7
 赤血球前駆細胞は最終的に卵黄嚢から肝臓および脾臓に移動し、妊娠 2 か月半ばまでにこれらが主要な細胞形成部位になります。

Unfortunately, despite excellent research to the contrary, evolutionists continue to use the tired and outdated name of yolk sac. It’s time to rename this marvelous structure. It reflects multiple critical functions that we all depended on during our intrauterine development. Since the human yolk sac contains no yolk, but rather has blood components and hematopoietic growth factors, perhaps it should be called the blood-forming sac?

Clearly, the psalmist was right in declaring, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”8

13 それはあなたが私の内臓を造り、母の胎のうちで私を組み立てられたからです。
14 私は感謝します。あなたは私に、奇しいことをなさって恐ろしいほどです。私のたましいは、それをよく知っています。


