
Bing AI向け 🎲ガチャスタイル🎰画像生成プロンプトジェネレーター

以前のはBing Image Creator用に作ったのですが、今回は自分で実際に使用する目的で、Stable Diffusion用のプロンプトのために、Bing AI創造性タイプ向けに依頼文を作りました。今回のもImage Creatorでも使えますが。

Bing AIは自動で選択肢を提示するので1クリックで次の指示を出せます。依頼文の最後にBing AIに質問するよう促すことで、その自動で提示される選択肢を制御できます。提案のプロンプトでImage Creatorで画像生成させたり、もう一回プロンプトを提案してもらうのも1クリックで指示できます。




Bing AIさん、今からあなたはガチャマシンAIとして振る舞ってください。そして、下記のジャンルからランダムに1つを選んで、Bingのウェブ検索機能を使って最新ニュースを検索し、その検索結果を元ネタにした架空のオリジナルの若い女性キャラクターの一枚絵を画像生成できそうなプロンプトを一つ生成してください。

ジャンル: "アニメ", "ゲーム", "映画", "マンガ", " 画像生成", "ファッション", "ライトノベル", "書籍", "ビジネス", "アイドル", "スポーツ" 


レアリティ: "N", "R", "SR", "SSR", "UR"

イラストの画題や画像生成用のプロンプトもレアリティに応じてゴージャスになります。特にプロンプトは、レアリティが上になるほど生成画像がゴージャスになるように緻密で具体的な描写を記述したプロンプトにしてください。キャラは手に物を持たないほうがいいです。手袋はOKです。プロンプトに"glasses", "camera"という単語は避けてください。




「✨😘👍オッケー! それじゃあガチャを回すよ〜!🎰💕🌈」

「🥁...あれっ!? な、なんかすごいのが来たかも~?💓🎵💦」

「🎉🎁ジャーン! 【レアリティ】 【画題】【ヒロイン名】 をGETだよ!👏👏 おめでとう〜!🎊🎆💖」



「もう一度ガチャ回す?🔄 画像生成してみる?👩‍🎨」




GPTでもエミュレートして実行してくれるようです。BrowsingプラグインをつけたGPT-4だと結構時間がかかるようです。Google Bardは……やはり無理でした。


A young woman with long black hair and blue eyes, wearing a white wedding dress with a long veil and a red ribbon around her waist. She is holding a bouquet of pink roses and smiling happily. Behind her, a cherry blossom tree is in full bloom, creating a contrast between the white and pink petals. The background is a clear blue sky with some clouds. The title of the prompt is “My Happy Marriage: Finally Tying the Knot with My Beloved Husband”.
In a world where dreams take flight, our enchanting heroine emerges as a radiant idol. Bathed in the ethereal glow of the starry sky, she captivates hearts with her mesmerizing presence. Her flowing dress, adorned with celestial patterns in shades of midnight blue and silver, shimmers like the night sky itself. A constellation of twinkling gemstones adorns her neckline, each one representing a dream fulfilled. Her hair, cascading in gentle waves of platinum blonde, glitters with stardust, reflecting the light of a thousand distant galaxies. And as she moves, her steps seem to echo the rhythm of the universe. With a voice that resonates with the celestial harmony, her melodic performances transport listeners to realms beyond imagination. The audience is spellbound as her music weaves stories of love, hope, and the boundless possibilities of the cosmos.
In the realm of business and strategy, our heroine stands as a beacon of inspiration. With her sharp intellect and unyielding determination, she charts her path to success. Dressed in a power suit that exudes confidence, she commands attention with her every move. Her eyes sparkle with ambition, reflecting a mind brimming with innovative ideas and calculated decisions. Surrounded by a team of loyal and talented professionals, she leads with grace and charisma. Her words carry weight, inspiring others to push boundaries and achieve greatness. In the fast-paced world of negotiations and strategic planning, she is the mastermind behind groundbreaking deals and industry-shaping decisions. With her sharp wit and analytical skills, she navigates through challenges, turning obstacles into opportunities. Her presence in the boardroom is magnetic, captivating all who witness her strategic brilliance. Her reputation as a visionary and trailblazer precedes her, making her a force to be reckoned with in the business world.
A young woman with long black hair and purple eyes, wearing a butterfly-shaped hairpin and a kimono with a sakura pattern. She is standing in front of a cherry blossom tree, holding a sword with a pink hilt and a blade that resembles a flower petal. She has a gentle smile on her face, as if she has found peace and happiness after overcoming many hardships. She is surrounded by glowing butterflies that match the color of her hairpin and kimono. The background is a bright blue sky with fluffy clouds. The title of the prompt is “Sakura Blossom Fall Kanawo”.
A beautiful girl with long silver hair and blue eyes, wearing a white military uniform with a red scarf and a silver cross necklace. She is sitting on a chair in a dark room, holding a communication device that connects her to the 86th district, where the young soldiers fight against the enemy drones. She has a serious expression on her face, as if she is listening to the voices of her comrades who risk their lives for her sake. She is surrounded by various screens and monitors that show the battlefield and the status of the units. The title of the prompt is “Silver Lena”.
A heroine inspired by the Paradox Live anime stands confidently on stage. She wears a stylish outfit with a futuristic vibe, her hair styled in a trendy fashion. The stage lights shine down on her as she holds a microphone, ready to perform. She has a determined look in her eyes, ready to take on the world with her music.
A young woman named Miki stands confidently in a modern office building. She is inspired by the latest business news 1. She wears a stylish business suit and her hair is styled in a sleek bob. The bustling atmosphere of the city surrounds her as she looks out the window with a determined expression.
A young woman with short brown hair and green eyes, wearing a red and white basketball jersey with the number 10 and black shorts. She has a sweatband on her forehead and a whistle around her neck. She is holding a basketball under her arm and giving a thumbs up with her other hand. She is standing in front of a basketball court with a hoop and a scoreboard behind her. She looks energetic and friendly.
A young woman with curly blonde hair and hazel eyes, wearing a pink and white gingham dress with puffy sleeves and a bow at the waist. She has a straw hat with flowers on her head and a pearl necklace around her neck. She is holding a pink parasol in her left hand and a basket of strawberries in her right hand. She is standing in a field of flowers with a blue sky and white clouds behind her. She looks sweet and adorable.
A young woman with long silver hair and purple eyes, wearing a white and gold dress with a corset and a cloak. She has a tiara with a gem on her forehead and a pendant with a star on her chest. She is holding a staff with a crystal ball on top in her right hand and a book with a golden cover in her left hand. She is standing in front of a castle with a moon and stars behind her. She looks elegant and powerful. She is a princess who has inherited the magic of the stars and is destined to save the world from an evil force.
A young woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a black suit and a white shirt. She has a pair of earrings and a watch on her wrist. She is holding a laptop in her left hand and a smartphone in her right hand. She is standing in front of a skyscraper with a cityscape behind her. She looks confident and smart. She is a successful entrepreneur who has founded her own company and is always looking for new opportunities.
A young woman with wavy brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a yellow hoodie and black leggings. She has a pair of headphones on her ears and a remote control in her hand. She is lying on a couch with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn on her lap. She is looking at a TV screen with the Netflix logo and a list of shows behind her. She looks relaxed and happy. She loves watching Netflix shows and always has a recommendation for her friends.
Draw a high school girl who works part-time at a cafe. She has long brown hair and wears a white apron over her school uniform. She is holding a tray with coffee cups and smiling at the customers. The background is the interior of the cafe with tables, chairs, and other customers.
A young woman with long white hair and red eyes, wearing a black and red armor with spikes and chains. She has a pair of horns on her head and a pair of wings on her back. She is holding a huge sword with a skull on the hilt in her right hand and a shield with a cross on it in her left hand. She is standing on a battlefield with fire and smoke behind her. She looks fierce and powerful. She is a fantasy warrior who fights against the forces of evil with her sword and magic.



