
In particular, those who make a living from and subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun, a foolish newspaper found nowhere else in the developed world,

The starving people of Korea were selling their young daughters to Chinese smugglers
The following is from 'An ultimatum to anti-Japan' by a former South Korean army colonel.
It is a must-read not only for Koreans but also for people worldwide.
In particular, those who make a living from and subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun, a foolish newspaper found nowhere else in the developed world, which not only takes pleasure in disgracing its own country to the world but will do any fabrication to do so.
It is primarily the so-called scholars telling us to learn from Germany.
Those who make a living from the South German newspaper have been writing anti-Japanese articles using this newspaper's anti-Japanese articles.
It is the people who subscribe to this newspaper and make a living from the TV station that airs the story of the Nanking Massacre, fabricated by John Rabe, as an annual event at the end of every year.
As a result, about half of the German people have an anti-Japanese ideology.
It is a must-read for those in the U.S. who call themselves scholars, such as Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent.

From the writings of William Griffiths
William Eliot Griffiths (1843~1928) was an American orientalist.
Most Koreans are illiterate.
The women were always confined to their bedrooms and could not come out without the permission of their masters.
Disobedience to this custom could result in a father killing his daughter or a husband killing his wife.
One Englishman scoffed that the supposedly purest man in Joseon was the dirtiest person he had ever seen and said Koreans were the filthiest people on earth.
The officials were greedy and fattened upon the blood of the people.
Korea is dying, devastated by the plundering of its greedy and unruly officials.
See "Korea the Hermit Nation."

From the writings of Claude Charles Dalet
Claude Charles Dalle (1829-1878) was a French priest.
The starving people of Korea were selling their young daughters to Chinese smugglers for a To of rice each.
The Koreans described the country's horrific conditions: "The streets are littered with dead bodies."
One can only assume that the DPRK government would send half its people to their deaths instead of buying food from China or Japan.

From the writings of Homer Hulbert
Homer Hulbert (1863-1949) was an American missionary.
The Koreans do not even have a rudimentary sense of hygiene.
The situation was no different when I went to the homes of the rich.
Since no one cleaned the streets, they had no choice but to walk around, avoiding the feces.
The dripping feces and urine contaminated the wells.
The Koreans dumped their filth, washed water directly into the wells, and used it again.
Therefore, when cholera broke out in one village, it quickly spread to everyone.
"The Passing of Korea" 1906 (see)

From the writings of William Franklin Sands
William Franklin Sands (1874-1946) was an American diplomat.
He wrote: "The royal family of Joseon was lazy and crawling with greedy people who wanted to occupy government positions, and they flattered those who had money and power.
It was customary for factions to form around a few high-ranking officials with money.
See 'The Far East Undiplomatic Memorial' MacGraw-Hill N.Y. 1930.
This article continues.
