
The deviousness that humanity has scraped off has become a lump, and today's Chinese people have been created!?

The following is from the book published on 2/28/2015 by Masayuki Takayama, which is mainly a collection of editorials from when he was writing anonymously at the request of the Editor-in-Chief of "now and then," which opens the monthly magazine Sound Argument.
It is a must-read not only for Japan but also for the world's people.
Everyone will be amazed at the sharpness of his tongue as he reveals and conveys the truth to us.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is his best book regarding sharpness of argument.

A long time ago, an elderly female professor of the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, highly respected by prima ballerinas worldwide, visited Japan.
At that time, she spoke about the significance of an artist's existence.
She said, "Artists are important because they are the only ones who can shed light on hidden, concealed truths and express them."
No one would dispute her words.
It is no exaggeration to say that Masayuki Takayama is not only the one and only journalist in the postwar world but also the one and only artist in the postwar world.
On the other hand, Ōe, I don't want to speak ill of the deceased, but (to follow Masayuki Takayama's example below), Murakami and many others who call themselves writers or think of themselves as artists are not even worthy of the name of artists.
They have only expressed the lies the Asahi Shimbun and others created rather than shedding light on hidden truths and telling them.
Their existence is not limited to Japan but is the same in other countries worldwide.
In other words, there are only a few true artists.
This paper is another excellent proof that I am right when I say that no one in the world today deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.

The deviousness that humanity has scraped off has become a lump, and today's Chinese people have been created!?
Humans tried to become decent by grinding down greed, laziness, and vulgarity in their hearts.
There is a theory that the evilness removed in this way has hardened to create the Chinese people of today. 
Nowadays, two out of every five people in the world are Chinese.
We have entered a terrible era, but even the Chinese have one ability, as T. Friedman wrote in the New York Times.
They are rote memorizers, not creative, but good imitators.
The Shinkansen bullet train is another example of this ability.
However, it soon derailed and capsized because it lacked the proper mind to consider safety. 
The Japanese first met the Chinese on August 1, 1887.
Ogyū Sorai moved from Okawabata to Shinagawa.
He was happy to be closer to the land of virtue, China.
Japanese people assumed that all Shina people were Ganjin, Liu Bei, or Xi Shi. 
However, the battleships Jingyuan and Zhenyuan crews, which entered Nagasaki harbor that day, bore no resemblance to Ganjin.
They rushed into the Maruyama red-light district, shouting, and tried to push past the customers before entering.
The Japanese were astonished when they saw for the first time the now-familiar habit of the Shina people of interrupting.
They even defied the police officers who came to teach them manners, and one of them was arrested.
The Shina people showed no remorse.
Three hundred of them took to the streets and began looting in retaliation, and the Japanese returned fire, causing a commotion that resulted in one death on each side. 
They came to another country and committed atrocities.
The fault was with China, but it was a country made of garbage.
Li Hongzhang, the equivalent of Wen Jiabao in today's Beijing government, came out and said, "The Japanese attacked the unarmed crew and killed five people. Compensate them."
Before he knew it, the number of dead had increased five-fold.
Even when the Japanese side explains, "No, the facts are this,'' they don't listen.
Li Hongzhang threatened to send more warships.
He said it was already war. 
When the Japanese side agreed to negotiate for compensation, Shina's claim increased to "eight dead" and demanded that the "Japanese who committed the outrage" be punished in addition to payment.
The Japanese side agreed, paid hundreds of millions of yen in compensation in today's money, and imprisoned four Japanese. 
To hell with the facts.
The top government officials themselves tell lies and intimidate.
This method resembles what Jiang Zemin calls the Nanjing Massacre and the current Senkaku disturbance. 
Eight years after the Nagasaki Incident, the Japanese were confronted by the Chinese again in the Sino-Japanese War and learned another character of the Chinese.
Aritomo Yamagata, the commander-in-chief, issued an urgent instruction two months after the war started and after the fall of Pyongyang: "Chinese people are brutal by nature and once captured, they suffer pain worse than death and are brutally murdered. Choose suicide gracefully rather than becoming prey."
The act of savage poisoning was reported by Yoshifuru Akiyama's second-in-command on another battlefield.
They cut off the ears and nose, plucked out the eyes, cut off the penis, and forced it into the mouth to suffocate to death.
When taking some prisoners of war, they would use wire to pierce and connect the living. 
The wire was also a characteristic of the Shina people and was used in the Tongzhou Incident 40 years later.
In this case, a wire was inserted into the nose of a Japanese woman who had been raped, and she was led to the execution site. 
It is also used on children.
The face of a child whose fingers and toes had all been cut off was pierced with a wire and tied to his mother, who was killed with a broom sticking out of her bureau. 
Ten years later, during the Tonghua Incident, in which 3,000 Japanese people were massacred in Manchuria, the Chinese forced Ice Field to walk with wire tied to the Japanese's shins when taking them away.
Even now, half a century later, when North Korean defectors are taken away in Manchuria's Jilin province, wire is threaded through the backs of their hands instead of handcuffs.
This timeless brutality can be said to be the national character of the Shina people. 
This article continues.

