
The evil that the world has continued to overlook and the UN has continued to overlook...that evil...is creating this situation.

The evil that the world has continued to overlook and the UN has continued to overlook...that evil...is creating this situation.
August 19, 2019

I now subscribe to Sankei, Nikkei, and Yomiuri.
I always read a newspaper in the morning, but not now.
I tried to read the Sankei, but it was no exaggeration to say that I hardly read the other two newspapers.
However, I woke up an hour earlier this morning, so I started reading the Nikkei first.
What jumped out at me was the full-page opinion ad by a Hong Kong citizen that appeared at the end of the paper.

It is evident that the most significant cause of "Japan's lost 20 years" and the ongoing deflation was the restriction on total lending implemented on March 27, 1990.
Around this time, the head of the Advertising Bureau at the Osaka headquarters of the Nikkei Shimbun visited my office regularly to hear what I had to say.
He told me he had never heard such a story (insight) as yours, although he met various managers during his work.
Immediately after enacting the total volume control, I asked him to place a full-page opinion ad in the national edition of the Nikkei Shimbun.
I immediately agreed to pay the 35 million yen offered as the cost.
However, Nikkei did not run my ad at the end of the day.

There must not have been a person living in the 21st century who was not moved to tears when they read the Hong Kong citizens' desperate opinion ad this morning.
This is except for those who lived in the 19th century, medieval, or ancient times, not the 21st century.

Since I rediscovered Kyoto about 15 years ago, I am the most visited person in the world who does not live in Kyoto.
I have met office workers traveling alone from Hong Kong at Nanzenji Temple, Daikakuji Temple, and other temples, at bus stops, etc. Most of them were repeat visitors.
Most of them were repeat visitors.
It was not unusual for them to say, "I have been here ten times...

When I was 25 years old, at a time when I was considering ending my own life, I went to Kyushu to meet and talk to someone who wanted to meet me.
For some reason, I was reading "Night on the Galactic Railroad" at that time.
It was the first night I had ever passed through the Kanmon Straits, changed trains, and was on my way to Nagasaki.
As I continued reading, I came across Giovanni's line even in a compartment and on a full train.
'What can I do for my old mother...'
Suddenly, I wailed.
I could not stop the tears from welling up.
I couldn't stand crying on the crowded train with tears streaming down my face, so I got off the train at the station where it stopped.
I stood and cried on the empty station platform at night until my tears dried up.
It was then that I came back to this world.

It was the severity of the chaos in Osaka's Umeda-Kita Yard.
As all of you with keen eyes know, I had no choice but to appear on the scene and continue writing about it. 
As a result, I realized that the mastermind behind the chaos was the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
It was so terrible that I lost the will to work for a few days, realizing that my life, which had been focused on Osaka, had been a disaster.
At that stage of my life as a businessman, I was obsessed with Osaka, even rejecting the advice of a close friend from Fukushima Prefecture who was working at Dentsu at the time that I should come to Tokyo.

But a few days later, I woke up and thought.
"You've got to be kidding me. I will never be killed over something so incomprehensible and ridiculous."
I went to see Hiroshi Shimozuma, then chairman of the Kankeiren.
I visited Yukiko Takenaka of the Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives).
I visited the person in charge at Osaka City Hall.

For three months, I alone continued to press the issue of why the project could not be carried out following the project plan, which had taken more than 20 years of collective wisdom from the public and private sectors in Osaka and which could be said to be the best in the postwar period.

I foolishly sent my senior managing director to the headquarters of the Asahi Shimbun to write down in detail what I had said to the three organizations mentioned above and to deliver it to them!
I can only mock myself for this Don Quixote-like behavior by just one person.
I had Katsuhiko Tagaya, who was writing a full-page article on the "Northern Yard Confusion" with a prominent figure in it at the time, deliver it to the newspaper.
It is no exaggeration to say that it was the most significant foolish act of my life.
Our senior managing director, who was made to carry the documents to Asahi Shimbun, still chides me occasionally, saying, "It was like sending salt to the enemy, and it was such a waste of time that it is not even funny."

And then, as readers know, there is the story of how it came to be.
I was the villains' target precisely because I appeared under a pseudonym as the turntable of civilization on the Internet, a world where countless evils are still prevalent and operating behind the scenes.

An evil that the world has continued to ignore and the United Nations has continued to ignore.
The world has acknowledged that what I said yesterday hit the nail on the head.
I was targeted by the evil that was being brought as a result and suffered a severe illness that almost cost me my life, so I gave the OK to a pending request from a publishing company and announced the decision to publish the book from my hospital room.
That was on June 1, 2011.

As I described above, this villainous criminal defrauded our company with a large sum of money.
The anger and disappointment of that incident caused me to suffer a severe illness as a result of the killer stress, as I have already mentioned.
He has launched an unbelievable attack on my book, blog, and author's name on the Internet.

The evil that I have suffered and the evil that the people of Hong Kong are now suffering are identical and of the exact same nature.
An evil that the world has continued to overlook and the United Nations has continued to overlook.
Evil has stopped the progress of the "turntable of civilization" and created this situation.
All I can do is think that my readers must have been among those who took out opinion ads this morning and continue to write like this.

There must be people who make their living as intellectuals, journalists, and politicians to prevent dictatorships and totalitarianism from arising and to prevent them from inciting hatred against other countries and peoples.

It is all your responsibility.
It is the result of your attitude, and you are responsible for the suffering of the people of Hong Kong.

It is those who continue to report on the news to gloat over China and the Korean peninsula, believing that their sins will not be punished in this life.
It is those who wield "sycophantic pseudo-moralism" as the height of stupidity.

Despite your good-natured smiles, you will have to go to hell.
I can only tell you now that King Yama is waiting for you with more torment than the world can bear for the unbearable suffering caused by you.


The citizens also placed an advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper on August 19 titled "For Freedom, Together with Hong Kong."
According to NHK, they raised 200 million yen for the ad through crowdfunding and placed it in 18 newspapers in 13 countries and regions.
The ads were placed in 18 newspapers in 13 countries and regions. 
The ads began with the words, "The vibrant Hong Kong we know is no longer what it used to be due to the rain of tear gas and bean bag shells used to suppress rioters," and "Hong Kong citizens are not safe under the current Hong Kong government's rule. They were.


2023/8/13 in Kyoto
