
Happy Women's Map 新潟県 長岡瞽女の元祖 山本 ごい 女史

山本 ごい 女史
Ms. Goi Yamamoto
1700頃 - ?
新潟県長岡市 生誕
Born in Nagaoka-city, Niigata-ken

Ms. Gozen Yamamoto became the leader of the blind female performers in the Nagaoka region, guiding a group of blind performers who upheld formality and discipline. She laid the foundation for the prosperity of blind female performers in Nagaoka during the transition from the Edo period to the Meiji era.



Gozen Yamamoto was born as the daughter of the lord of Nagaoka, the Makino family, under the name Teruhime. She was born with visual impairment, so she was given up for adoption to the Yamamoto family, who were retainers. After growing up, she received land and a stipend of rice from the Makino family and established a branch in Yanagihara-cho, Nagaoka, in areas related to the Makino family, such as old shi, Mishima, Kariba, Uonuma, and Koshiji Go. She led a group of blind female performers who upheld formality and discipline. She was commonly known as "Gozen Yamamoto," and subsequently, each generation of Gozen Yamamoto was chosen from among a large number of blind female performers from the Nagaoka line. They were selected based on being completely blind and having impeccable conduct in their old age. This system established a family head system similar to that seen in tea ceremony and flower arrangement, with masters obtaining the title of "Gozen Yamamoto" and taking on disciples at home. Becoming a disciple of a blind female performer involved a training period of twenty-one years. There were various constraints and rules, such as a ban on male performers, strict rules against makeup and fashionable clothing, and a seniority system. Violating these rules could result in having to start the training period over or being ostracized by peers. They were rigorously trained by their masters to sing various types of songs, including narrative songs, festival songs, tragic love stories, comical songs, satirical songs, guidance songs, gidayu, nagauta, hashiuta, Tokiwazu, Kiyomoto, Shin-Uchi, and various popular songs, folk songs, manzai, mon-tsuke-uta, and more. They had to be able to sing whatever the customers desired. The primary occupation of blind female performers was "mon-tsuke," in which they would be led by a sighted guide to go from house to house in villages and towns, singing songs at each doorstep, begging for rice and money during the day. At night, they would perform their preferred songs at lodging houses for the locals and receive compensation. The touring locations for blind female performers and the inns where they stayed were established through connections passed down from their ancestors and masters. Especially in rural areas, there was a strong folk belief in blind female performers, who were highly regarded as objects of faith for safe childbirth, child-rearing, healing, and increasing one's livelihood. Blind female performers sang songs directed towards people, cotton seeds, wheat seeds, and silkworms in their silkworm beds. Those who received them would cook the rice collected by blind female performers, wear their clothing, use their discarded shamisen strings as amulets, or even consume them as medicine.

-新潟県立歴史博物館 Niigata History Museum
-新潟日報 Niigata News

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