
Happy Women's Map 青森県 日本初の女性ジャーナリストの先駆け・家計簿ならびに主婦日記の考案者 羽仁 もと子 女史 

-羽仁もと子記念館 Motoko Hani Memorial Museum

"We will strive to build a new society based on love, freedom and cooperation through the unity of women."

羽仁 もと子 女史
Ms. Motoko Hani
1873 - 1957
青森県八戸市 生誕
Born in Hatinohe-city, Aomori-Ken

Motoko Hani is a pioneer among female journalists in Japan and the inventor of household account books and housewives' diaries. Together with her husband, she founded Jiyū Gakuen and Fujin-no-Tomo-sha. They developed a nationwide organization that connects women-centric households and society.

Motoko avidly read "Jogaku Zasshi," a source of new women's culture in the Meiji era. At the age of 16, she moved to Tokyo to attend a Christian-oriented Meiji Girls' School. She was baptized at the Tsukiji Akashicho Church and wrote a heartfelt letter to the chief editor of "Jogaku Zasshi" and the principal of Meiji Girls' School, Mr. Zenji Iwamoto, pleading for a waiver of tuition fees. She was granted admission and assigned the task of giving pen names to articles in the women's magazine, which helped cover her boarding fees. She was responsible for proofreading the first Japanese translation of Burnett's "Little Lord Fauntleroy," which was highly popular and translated by Mrs. Iwamoto, the wife of Mr. Zenji Iwamoto.
After one year of enrollment, Motoko returned home and became a teacher at an elementary school and at Morioka Girls' School. Despite her family's objections, she got married but soon divorced. She returned to Tokyo and, while assisting her medical school classmate, Dr. Yayoi Yoshioka, with household chores, she applied for a position as a proofreader at the Hokkoku Shimbun (currently Hokkoku Shimbun) and became the first female journalist in Japan. Three years later, she married her colleague, Yoshikazu Hane. Together, they launched the home life magazine "Katei no Tomo" (later renamed "Fujin-no-Tomo"), targeting young families. They introduced household account books and housewives' diaries, promoting well-organized living through planning and budgeting.
Motoko encouraged her readers to gather friends and organize study groups and reading circles. This initiative led to the establishment of "Zenkoku Tomo no Kai" (National Friends Association) with Motoko as a central figure. They engaged in various activities to improve rural living, establish the Beijing Life School, provide support for repatriates after the war, and host exhibitions and training sessions, among other social endeavors. 
Furthermore, to provide an education that deviated from the cramming education of the Ministry of Education's High School for Girls Ordinance, Motoko established the Free School Jiyū Gakuen and served as its principal. She criticized cramming education and promoted true liberal education for children. Until her passing at the age of 83, she left behind numerous writings. Throughout her endeavors, her husband, Yoshikazu, constantly supported her on the business front, enabling the realization of Motoko's ideas.

-羽仁もと子記念館 Motoko Hani Memorial Museum
-婦人之友社 Fujin no Tomo Sha
-自由学園明日館 Jiyugakuen Myonitikan
-自由学園 Jiyu Gakuen

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