
Have you watched "April Snow."?

 Spirit of the Wind 🍃 

Encounters are mysterious things.

There are two couples, AB.
A wife and B husband went on a trip pretending it's for work, 
got into a car accident.

Each husband and wife rushes to the hospital.
Two strangers meet for the first time.

In this absurd situation,
the man utters words that could be a joke or the truth, "Shall we have an affair too?"

Amidst various circumstances, the two fall in love.

If these two had met earlier, would they have fallen in love before getting married?

Love is
the expression of emotions
at the moment of one's level of emotional growth.

I wonder if someone you liked at 20
and someone you like at 30 are naturally different.

Timing seems crucial.

When in love,
you want to know everything about the other person.
During the time as lovers,
I thought it was inevitable not to know everything about the other person.

I just wanted to be with this person, and that's why I got married.

But after marriage,
it's not like you know everything about the other person.
It's impossible to have a 24-hour visibility into their actions, let alone a glimpse into their minds.

Marriage is choosing a companion for the journey of life,
opting for a two-person journey rather than a solo one.

Love is about feelings. Marriage is about life.

Dealing with the various problems of life together with your companion.

We can be on this Earth for a maximum of 100 years.

Long yet short,
short yet long journey.

No one knows the length of the journey.

I am still in the middle of the journey.
