



@ - コピー




・年間配当予定総額 = 発行済株数 × 予定1株配当金
・DOE = 年間配当予定総額  ÷ 純資産(株主資本)
 ※ DOE = 配当性向 × ROEでも可
・余力 = 現金等 ÷ 年間配当予定総額
 ※ 利益剰余金にあたるデータがないので現金等に置換え


using tsdata.marketdata;
using elsystem;
using elsystem.collections;
	int MonthsReported( 12 ) [DisplayName = "MonthsReported", ToolTip = "Enter the number of months in the reporting period for which data is desired.  Fundamental data usually covers a 3, 6 or 12 month period."],
	int ConsolidationLevel( 1 ) [DisplayName = "ConsolidationLevel", ToolTip = "Enter 1 if consolidated data is desired; enter any other value for non-consolidated data."],
	int AccountingStandard( 0 ) [DisplayName = "AccountingStandard", ToolTip = "Enter 1 for Japanese accounting standard; enter 2 for Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) accounting standard; enter 3 for International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting standard; enter 0 to use IFRS, SEC, or Japanese accounting standards, in that order, depending on which is available."];
	FundamentalQuotesProvider FQP( null ),
	Dictionary DataDict( null ),
	intrabarpersist bool OkayToPlotActual( false ),				//実績配当利回り
	intrabarpersist bool OkayToPlotForecast( false ),			//予定配当利回り
	intrabarpersist bool OkayToPlotActual2( false ),			//実績一株配当金
	intrabarpersist bool OkayToPlotForecast2( false ),			//予定一株配当金
	intrabarpersist bool OkayToPlotNetAssets( false ),			//純資産
	intrabarpersist bool OkayToPlotPayoutRatio( false ),		//配当性向
	intrabarpersist bool OkayToPlotCash( false ),				//現金等
	intrabarpersist string ConsLevel( "Consolidated" ),			//連結/単独
	intrabarpersist string AcctStdInputString( "" ),			//会計基準
	bool QuoteFound( false ),									//値存在判断
	double CRDividendYield( 0 ),								//実績配当利回り
	double CEDividendYield( 0 ),								//予定配当利回り
	double CRDPS( 0 ),											//実績一株配当金
	double CEDPS( 0 ),											//予定一株配当金
	double CRNetAssets( 0 ),									//純資産
	double CRDividendPayoutRatio( 0 ),							//配当性向
	double CRCashOrCashEquivalents( 0 );						//現金等
	string MonthsReportedKey( "MonthsReported" ),				//期間
	string ConsolidatedKey( "ConsolidationLevel" ),				//連結/単独
	string AccountingKey( "AccountingStandard" ),				//会計基準
	string ActualFieldName( "CR_Dividend_Yield" ),				//実績配当利回り
	string ForecastFieldName( "CE_Dividend_Yield" ),			//予定配当利回り
	string ActualFieldName2( "CR_DPS" ),						//実績一株配当金
	string ForecastFieldName2( "CE_DPS" ),						//予定一株配当金
	string NetAssetsFieldName( "CR_Net_Asset" ),				//純資産
	string PayoutFieldName( "CR_Dividend_Payout_Ratio" ),		//配当性向
	string CashEqFieldName( "CR_Cash_or_Cash_Equivalents" ),	//現金等
	string ConsolidatedValue( "Consolidated" ),					//連結
	string NonConsolidatedValue( "NonConsolidated" ),			//単独
	string ValuesAdder( "_Values" ),							//辞書値アドレス
	string IFRSString( "IFRS" ),								//会計基準IFRS
	string SECString( "SEC" ),									//会計基準SEC
	string JSTDString( "JSTD" );								//会計基準JSTD
method void CreateFundamentalQuotesProvider()
	FQP = new FundamentalQuotesProvider();
	FQP.Symbol = Symbol;
	FQP.Fields += ActualFieldName;
	FQP.Fields += ForecastFieldName;
	FQP.Fields += ActualFieldName2;
	FQP.Fields += ForecastFieldName2;
	FQP.Fields += NetAssetsFieldName;
	FQP.Fields += PayoutFieldName;
	FQP.Fields += CashEqFieldName;
	FQP.Realtime = false;
	FQP.TimeZone = tsdata.common.TimeZone.local;
	Value99 = FQP.Count; { force provider to load }
end;{ FundamentalQuotesProvider method }
method bool GetQuoteAsOfDate( string FieldName, DateTime tempdt, int PeriodsAgo, out double QuoteVal )
	int Counter,
	bool QuoteFound, bool SetVariable,
	DateTime VectDateTime,
	Vector QuoteDateTimeVector, Vector QuoteValuesVector;
	if FieldName = "" or tempdt = null or DataDict = null or PeriodsAgo < 0 then return false;
		QuoteDateTimeVector = DataDict[FieldName] astype Vector;
		QuoteValuesVector = DataDict[FieldName + ValuesAdder] astype Vector;
		QuoteFound = false;
		SetVariable = false;
	for Counter = QuoteDateTimeVector.Count - 1 downto 0 begin
		SetVariable = false;
		VectDateTime = QuoteDateTimeVector[Counter] astype DateTime;
		if tempdt >= VectDateTime then begin { quote date is before date passed in }
			SetVariable = true;
		end else begin
		if SetVariable then begin
			if Counter + PeriodsAgo <= QuoteDateTimeVector.Count - 1 then begin			
				QuoteVal = QuoteValuesVector[Counter + PeriodsAgo] astype double;
				QuoteFound = true;
	end;{ for }
	return QuoteFound;
end;{ GetQuoteAsOfDate method }
method bool GetQuoteAsOfDate2( FundamentalQuote fq, DateTime tempdt, out double QuoteVal )
	int Counter,
	bool QuoteFound, bool SetVariable,
	string AcctStd, string LastUsedAcctStd, 
	DateTime LastDateTime, DateTime fqDateTime;
	if fq = null or tempdt = null then return false;
	QuoteFound = false;
	LastDateTime = DateTime.Create( 1900, 1, 1 );
	SetVariable = false;	
	for Counter = fq.Count - 1 downto 0 begin
		SetVariable = false;
		AcctStd = fq.ExtendedProperties[Counter][AccountingKey].StringValue;
		if fq.ExtendedProperties[Counter][MonthsReportedKey].IntegerValue = MonthsReported
			and fq.ExtendedProperties[Counter][ConsolidatedKey].StringValue	= ConsLevel
			and ( AccountingStandard = 0 or AcctStd = AcctStdInputString ) then begin
			fqDateTime = fq.PostDate[Counter];
			if tempdt >= fqDateTime and fqDateTime >= LastDateTime then begin
				if fqDateTime <> LastDateTime then begin { new PostDate }
					SetVariable = true;
				end else if AccountingStandard = 0 then begin { use hierarchy }
					if AcctStd = IFRSString then begin
						SetVariable = true;
					end else if AcctStd = SECString and LastUsedAcctStd <> IFRSString then begin
						SetVariable = true;
					end else if AcctStd = JSTDString 
						and LastUsedAcctStd <> IFRSString 
						and LastUsedAcctStd <> SECString then begin
						SetVariable = true;
		if SetVariable then begin
			QuoteVal = fq.DoubleValue[Counter];
			LastUsedAcctStd = AcctStd;
			LastDateTime = fqDateTime;
			QuoteFound = true;
	end;{ for }
	return QuoteFound;
end;{ GetQuoteAsOfDate2 method }
method void LoadFundDataVectors( string ifundField )
	int Counter, Vector dateVect, Vector valuesVect, FundamentalQuote fq,
	string fqAcctStd, string LastAcctStd,
	bool LoadThisQuote, bool ReplaceLastValue, bool NumMonthsOkay, bool ConsLevelOkay,
	DateTime LastDateTime;
	if DataDict = null then DataDict = new Dictionary();
	dateVect = new Vector();
	valuesVect = new Vector();
	DataDict.Add( ifundField, dateVect astype Vector );
	DataDict.Add( ifundField + ValuesAdder, valuesVect astype Vector );
	fq = FQP[ifundField];
	LastDateTime = DateTime.Create( 1900, 1, 1 );
	for Counter = 0 to fq.Count - 1 begin
		LoadThisQuote = false;
		ReplaceLastValue = false;
		fqAcctStd = fq.ExtendedProperties[Counter][AccountingKey].StringValue;
		NumMonthsOkay = fq.ExtendedProperties[Counter][MonthsReportedKey].IntegerValue = MonthsReported;
		ConsLevelOkay = fq.ExtendedProperties[Counter][ConsolidatedKey].StringValue = ConsLevel;
		if NumMonthsOkay and ConsLevelOkay and ( AccountingStandard = 0 or fqAcctStd = AcctStdInputString ) then begin	
			if fq.PostDate[Counter] <> LastDateTime then begin { new date }
				LoadThisQuote = true;
			end else begin { same date as last quote loaded }
				switch ( fqAcctStd ) begin
					case IFRSString:
						ReplaceLastValue = true;
					case SECString:
						if LastAcctStd <> IFRSString then ReplaceLastValue = true;
					case JSTDString:
						if LastAcctStd <> IFRSString and LastAcctStd <> SECString then ReplaceLastValue = true;
		if LoadThisQuote then begin
			dateVect.push_back( fq.PostDate[Counter] astype DateTime );
			valuesVect.push_back( fq.DoubleValue[Counter] astype double );
			LastAcctStd = fqAcctStd;
			LastDateTime = fq.PostDate[Counter];
		end else if ReplaceLastValue then begin
			valuesVect[Counter-1] = fq.DoubleValue[Counter] astype double;
			LastAcctStd = fqAcctStd;
	end;{ for }
end;{ LoadFundDataVectors method }
method bool DataHasPostDate( FundamentalQuote fq )
variables:  int Counter, DateTime MissingDT, int NumMissingDates;
	NumMissingDates = 0;
	MissingDT = DateTime.Create( 1999, 11, 30 );
	for Counter = 0 to fq.Count - 1 begin
		if fq.PostDate[Counter] = MissingDT then
			NumMissingDates += 1;
	return NumMissingDates <> fq.Count;
end;{ DataHasPostDate method }
method string GetAcctStdString()
variables:  string AcctStdString;
	switch ( AccountingStandard ) begin
		case 1: { JSTD } AcctStdString = JSTDString;
		case 2: { SEC } AcctStdString = SECString;
		case 3: { IFRS } AcctStdString = IFRSString;
	return AcctStdString;
end;{ GetAcctStdString method }
once begin
	if ConsolidationLevel = 1 then ConsLevel = ConsolidatedValue
	else ConsLevel = NonConsolidatedValue;
	AcctStdInputString = GetAcctStdString();
	if FQP.HasQuoteData( ActualFieldName ) then begin
		 OkayToPlotActual = true;
		 LoadFundDataVectors( ActualFieldName );
	if FQP.HasQuoteData( ForecastFieldName ) then begin
		OkayToPlotForecast = true;
		LoadFundDataVectors( ForecastFieldName );
	OkayToPlotActual = FQP.HasQuoteData( ActualFieldName )
	 and DataHasPostDate( FQP[ActualFieldName] );
	OkayToPlotForecast = FQP.HasQuoteData( ForecastFieldName )
	 and DataHasPostDate( FQP[ForecastFieldName] );
	OkayToPlotActual2 = FQP.HasQuoteData( ActualFieldName2 )
	 and DataHasPostDate( FQP[ActualFieldName2] );
	OkayToPlotForecast2 = FQP.HasQuoteData( ForecastFieldName2 )
	 and DataHasPostDate( FQP[ForecastFieldName2] );
	OkayToPlotNetAssets = FQP.HasQuoteData( NetAssetsFieldName )
	 and DataHasPostDate( FQP[NetAssetsFieldName] );
	OkayToPlotPayoutRatio = FQP.HasQuoteData( PayoutFieldName )
	 and DataHasPostDate( FQP[PayoutFieldName] );
	OkayToPlotCash = FQP.HasQuoteData( CashEqFieldName )
	 and DataHasPostDate( FQP[CashEqFieldName] );
end;{ once }
if OkayToPlotActual and GetQuoteAsOfDate( ActualFieldName, BarDateTime, 0, CRDividendYield ) then
	Plot1( CRDividendYield, !( "実利回%" ) );
if OkayToPlotForecast and GetQuoteAsOfDate( ForecastFieldName, BarDateTime, 0, CEDividendYield ) then
	Plot2( CEDividendYield, !( "予利回%" ) );
if OkayToPlotActual2 and GetQuoteAsOfDate2( FQP[ActualFieldName2], BarDateTime, CRDPS ) then
	Plot3( CRDPS, !( "実DPS" ) );
if OkayToPlotForecast2 and GetQuoteAsOfDate2( FQP[ForecastFieldName2], BarDateTime, CEDPS ) then
	Plot4( CEDPS, !( "予DPS" ) );
if OkayToPlotNetAssets and GetQuoteAsOfDate2( FQP[NetAssetsFieldName], BarDateTime, CRNetAssets ) then begin
	Value1 = CRNetAssets;																	// 純資産(株主資本)
	Value2 = GetFundData( "CAC_OUTS2", 0 );													// NOMURA 400 タイプの株式発行高数(発行済株数)
	Value3 = ( Value2 * CEDPS );															// 年間配当予定総額
	if Value1 <> 0 then Plot5(( Value3 / ( Value1 * 1000000 )*100 ), !( "DOE" ));			// DOE(Dividend on equity ratio)(株主資本配当率)(年間配当総額/(株主資本×100万円)*100end;																						// DOE = 年間配当予定総額 ÷ 株主資本 = 配当性向 × ROE
if OkayToPlotPayoutRatio and GetQuoteAsOfDate2( FQP[PayoutFieldName], BarDateTime, CRDividendPayoutRatio ) then
	Plot6( CRDividendPayoutRatio, !( "性向" ) );
if OkayToPlotCash and GetQuoteAsOfDate2( FQP[CashEqFieldName], BarDateTime, CRCashOrCashEquivalents ) then begin
	if Value3 <> 0 then Plot7(( CRCashOrCashEquivalents * 1000000 / Value3 ), !( "余力" ));	// 利益剰余金 ÷ 配当予定総額(予定配当金×発行済み株数) = 配当余力
end;																						// 現金等(利益剰余金と仮定)
Plot8( CRCashOrCashEquivalents, !( "現金等" ) );												// 現金等
Plot9( Value3 / 1000000 , !( "配当総額" ));													// 年間配当予定総額 ÷ 100万円
