
インパクト会計の概念フレームワーク 公開草案に対する意見

(English follows Japanese)












The preparers of impact accounts ought to be entities, excluding investors. It is imperative to underscore that the term 'entities' encompasses both management and employees.

In the 22nd paragraph of the Methodology, there is no contention regarding the designation of investors as users of impact accounts. On the contrary, I wholeheartedly applaud the prioritization of management as a primary user within the Methodology, over investors, followed by the inclusion of affected stakeholders.

Nevertheless, there exists an ambiguity in delineating the roles of preparers and users of impact accounts (as mentioned in paragraph 5). As articulated in the fifth paragraph, it is the entities, not the investors, that possess firsthand knowledge about an entity. Analogous to financial statements, the preparers of impact accounts should be entities. The justification for investors to assume this role remains insufficiently elucidated. It is conceivable that, in certain scenarios, investors might undertake this task. This stems from proficiency in impact accounting and the motivation to reveal adverse effects, encompassing (negative) environmental impact. Such revelations should be guaranteed through suitable education and societal systems. Entities, undoubtedly, possess the most profound comprehension of their own impact. Impact accounts, if prepaired based on an investor's superficial understanding, could prove detrimental, if not outright counterproductive. I am of the conviction that entities and investors should amplify their disclosures through constructive dialogue (engagement). The preparing of impact accounts by investors might be deemed unsuitable. It is pivotal to reiterate that 'entities' comprise both management and employees. The interests of management and employees are not invariably congruent. In many instances, management might compromise the interests of employees in favor of investors (e.g. reducing employee salaries and increasing dividends).. Consequently, employees should be unequivocally recognized as users of impact accounts, enhancing their utility in decision-making processes.

質問2 - 忠実な表現における保守主義(32項)

忠実な表現の質的特性には、32項の一文が含まれ、不確実性がある場合のインパクト諸表に保守主義の原則を暗黙のうちに導入している。この一文は、「不確実性がある場合には、インパクト諸表の作成者は、プラスのインパクトの過大計上とマイナスのインパクトの過小計上を避けることを既定とすべきである」というものである。参考までに、保守主義の原則は、欧州サステナビリティ報告基準第1号「一般的要求事項」又はIFRS第1号「サステナビリティ関連財務情報の開示に関する一般的要求事項」における忠実な表現という定性的特性には含意されていない。誤解を避けるために言っておくと、保守主義の原則(a principle of conservatism)は慎重さの原則(a principle of prudence)とは異なる。慎重さとは、不確実な状況下で判断する際の慎重さを意味し、保守主義とは、不確実な状況下で判断する際のバイアスを意味する。しかし、保守主義は、例えばインパクト・エコノミー財団の「インパクト加重会計フレームワーク」のように、インパクトに焦点を当てたフレームワークや組織で採用されている明確な原則である。この提案は、現状のインパクト会計が、一般目的の財務報告と同レベルの保証や監査、規制当局の権限、広範な採用の恩恵を受けていないことを認めるために盛り込まれたものである。そのため、特に保守的なバイアスをかけることで、より適切で忠実に表現されたインパクト情報が生み出されるのであれば、保守主義は望ましくないとは言えない。具体的には、インパクトを測定・評価する際に保守主義の原則を暗黙のうちに示唆することは、インパクトウォッシングや企業のサステナビリティ・パフォーマンスの過大評価の影響を打ち消すのに役立つ可能性がある。








In Figure 1 of the exposure draft, the impact pathway is represented as follows.

Figure1 in the exposure draft

However, the difference between the 'outcome' of the impact pathway and the reference scenario is the 'impact'. (See paragraph 55.) Figure 1 of the exposure draft could mislead people into thinking that the impact is the long-term and spillover effects of the outcome. It is therefore suggested that the diagram be replaced by the following one.



a. 利用者の意思決定に影響を与えるインパクト情報の能力;

b. 公共財としての透明性及び影響を受ける利害関係者に対する説明責任の必要性

c. 影響を受ける利害関係者に対するインパクトの重要性(significance)


1. 上記の質問の段落は、インパクト諸表にインパクトを含めるか含めないかを決定する方法について明確な指針を提供しているという点で、明確に記述されているか。そうでない場合、どの段落が不明確であり、どのように明確性を高めることができるか。

2. 3.2節の関連性を判断するための3つの視点に同意するか。同意できない場合、どの観点に反対か。

3. インパクト会計の目的のために、インパクトマテリアリティを関連性の企業固有の側面として定義することに同意するか。さらに、本方法論に強制的なインパクトを含めないという提案に同意するか。


質問5 - その他のフィードバック



  1. The Necessity of Considering Socio-economic Contexts Across Nations and Regions

In paragraph 11, a general methodology, topic-specific methodology, and sector-specific methodology are proposed. Furthermore, paragraph 20 stipulates that any business, regardless of sector, region, or organizational level, can utilize this methodology for measuring and evaluating impact, as well as for the preparation of impact statements. However, paragraph 60 also notes that people's well-being cannot be detached from their social context, and the evaluation of impact should take into account regional and local differences. The socio-economic background of each country or region is of paramount importance, and the extent of flexibility required in balancing comparability remains unclear. Leaving this to the discretion of individual companies might jeopardize comparability. Therefore, there is an anticipation for the development of methodologies tailored to specific countries or regions. For instance, when considering sectors like healthcare and education, the healthcare and education costs referred to as impact evaluation coefficients would likely vary depending on the healthcare and education systems of the respective country. Beyond the mention in paragraph 60, it should be explicitly stated that there is a need for the development of country or region-specific methodologies.



 2. The Necessity of Consideration of the Size and Stage of Development of Entities

In paragraph 20, it is stated that entities of any organisational level, in any business sector, in any region, may use this methodology for measuring and evaluating their impact and preparing impact statements. Indeed, impact accounting may be beneficial for both large and small entities, public and private (start-ups). However, the expected disclosure of information may differ depending on the size and stage of development of entities. Consideration needs to be given to the scope and level of disclosure required by the size and stage of development of entities and the practical burdens involved, so that flexible application of impact accounting is possible.



3.Concerns about the Practical and Ethical challenges of the Reference Scenario

There is no dispute that impact occurs in relation to reference scenarios. However, in practice, developing reference scenarios is extremely difficult and raises ethical issues. If reference scenarios are to be strictly formulated and measured, it is necessary to create a case in which interventions by entities are not artificially made. In Western countries, there is a certain understanding of the use of RCTs for the public good, but in Japan, for example, such an understanding has not developed and ethical issues are recognised. Given this social background, it is difficult in practice to formulate reference scenarios, and therefore a certain degree of flexibility should be allowed.
