

What is this

This is eye-wear updates your sight. 

The spot light always accord with the spot you want to see. MIERUNDES makes your eyes reborn and get super sight.

MIERUNDES is the existence such as the surgical lighting to attach to your eyes.

Why make it

The glasses with the LED already exist. (ex. 3M Light Vision) But, only 2-point light source of both sides of frame, a shadow is made structurally. And the amount of light is limited. 

In order to solve this problem, I have the following improvements: Incorporate the concept of head mirror or a ring flash. To adopt a small lithium polymer battery. So I have re-invented the powerful wearable lighting equipment. Since this device expose an object to light from all 360 degrees directions, a shadow theoretically becomes extinct.

TAICHI INOUE(It's me) of INCAMS which developed MIERUNDES is Electronic-Mechanical Engineer. Have precision work every day. It is often the work of at the point where hard to reach the light in normal lighting. Such as parts on mounting of the equipment inside.

It is difficult to work in normal lighting. I thought another better way. The eyes must emits lights.

The first version of MIERUNDES is here. (2012)

Using about two years, it was broken, but was very helpful.

Cut a veneer plate into eyeglass-frame with laser cutter, and through hole for LED and resistors. Wiring is on the back. Power was a USB cable instead of a Li-Po battery.

The latest version

The original version has difficulty in durability. I started to make the PCB version. The latest version after several times of prototype is now here.

A single battery, will continue to light for about 60 minutes. The amount of light is about 30 lumens. More than 1,500 lux on the hands. This is as if the eyes became a 60-Watt light bulb.

It is satisfying the Japan Industrial Standard "General rules of recommended lighting levels"(JIS Z 9110 : 2010) that defines the brightness necessary for exact work as 1,500 lux.

The more the greater the amount of light entering the eye , the iris will be squeezed .

When the eyes catch much light, the eyes reduces the size of the pupil. This mechanism is  same as the aperture of camera. So you look things in a lot of light intensity using the MIERUNDES, you get very clear focus to detail and can grasp the real shape of what you want to see. 

Incidentally, it is hard to think that MIERUNDES damages your eyes. The sunlight is very powerful(100,000 lux). However your eyes is not damaged by daylight.

Charging time of a battery is 40 minutes. Temples are made by copper wire so that you can bend into shape to fit on your face. All the back of the frame is covered with felt. Good wearing comfort. It also prevent the damage to the lenses, so you can wear MIERUNDES on your glasses.

Emission theory and light eyes

One of the ancient Greek philosophers discussion, "Why can we see the things?" There was a problem.

As answer to this debate, "Intromission theory" and "Emission theory" has been proposed.

Intromission theory school argued that the eyes passively work. It is the same as the theory of revealed the vision in modern.

On the other hand, Emission theory school argued that the eye fired "Fire of vision". The fire hits things and comes back will be vision. They could not agree with the idea the vision works passively. Because the eye is the most important organs for human existence for observing the truth.

Johann Zahn, "Oculus artificialis teledioptricus sive telescopium ex abditis rerum naturalium et artificialium principiis protractum nova methodo", p.210
In the figure above, the eye emit the light rays and catch a dragon that symbol of fiction. It might be critical representation of the wrong visual model.

In the figure below On the other hand, inverted light reflected on the left side of the tree through the cornea of the eye, has focused into an image on the retina. Contemporary visual model is illustrated.

Emission theory sounds weird. But I feel sympathy.

Why the eye does not emit light ? For example, bats recognize the terrain through listening to ultrasonic. And they generate ultrasonic on their own

Because you take action to the world, you can get the feedback. Vision is also should be so ? I think of such a thing when I'm using MIERUNDES.

For the evolution of the life, sunlight was too great. Because sunlight is flooding the world with light half of the day, the life did not need to emit light themselves.

As the adverse effect, modern lighting design is too bind to the metaphor of the sunlight. I think.

In order to see the hand, you do not need to brighten up the whole room as sunlight. You emits light vertically from your eye. And you will see the light, which has been vertical reflection hit the thing. This is one of the most efficient.

Change the view

For example, there is the phrase like "Change the world". It means change the view of the world in your mind. It effect the world and the world start to change.

MIERUNDES looks like a party goods at a glance.

Then, when you use it, you notice that it is a very convenient tool. Texture of the surface of things look better. Intricate part become visible vividly. It is also a useful practical goods when you take the things that enters the gap between the furniture and the wall.

However, this device brings a change to the fundamental "vision" for your world recognition. So I feel the possibility that something change in your view of the world happens.
