
Guide to Horse Racecourse in Japan: Kyoto Racecourse / 京都競馬場


[My Rating]

・Accessibility ★★★ Excellent (Easy to get there by public transport)
・Atmosphere ★★★ Excellent
・Facility ★★☆ Good
・Entertainment around the racecourse ★★☆ Good

Stand and Homestretch

[Best Season to visit]



[General Information]

Location: Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture / 京都府京都市
Nearest Station: Yodo / 淀 (Keihan Railway / 京阪本線)
Established in: 1925
Operated by: JRA (Japan Racing Association)
Type of race: Flat and Hurdle
Type of racecourse: Turf and Dirt (Right-handed)
Racing Season: January, February, May, October and November
・Dress Code: None
・Fee: 200 yen for general admission with free seats on first-come-first-served basis. Besides, there are several luxury seats required reservation by internet in advance or by ticket booth at the racecourse.

View of Kyoto Racecourse from Yodo Station

[Flat Grade races in Kyoto Racecourse]

- GIII / Kyoto Kinpai 京都金杯 / 1,600m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Sinzan Kinenシンザン記念 / 1,600m Turf (3yo only)
- GII / Nikkei Shinshun Hai 日経新春杯 / 2,400m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Silk Road Stakes シルクロードステークス / 1,200 Turf (4yo or older)  

- GIII / Kisaragi Sho きさらぎ賞 / 1,800m Turf (3yo only)
- GII / Kyoto Kinen京都記念 / 2,200m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Kyoto Himba Stakes 京都牝馬ステークス / 1,400m Turf (4yo or older filly only)

- GII /Milers Cup マイラーズカップ / 1,600m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Unicorn Stakes ユニコーンステークス / 1,900m Dirt (3yo only)
- GI / Tennohsho Spring 天皇賞・春 /3,200m Turf (4yo or older)
- GII / Kyoto Shimbunhai 京都新聞杯 / 2,200m Turf (3yo only)
- GIII / Heian Stakes 平安ステークス / 1,900m Dirt (4yo or older)
- GIII / Aoi Stakes 葵ステークス / 1,200m Turf (3yo only)

- GII / Kyoto Daishoten 京都大賞典 / 2,400m Turf (3yo or older)
- GI / Shuka Sho 秋華賞 / 2,000m Turf (3yo filly only)
- GI / Kikka Sho 菊花賞 (Japanese St. Leger) / 3,000m Turf (3yo only)

- GII / Swan Stakes スワンステークス / 1,400m Turf (3yo or older)

- GIII / Fantasy Stakes ファンタジーステークス / 1,400m Turf (2yo Filly only)
- GIII / Miyako Stakes みやこステークス / 1,800m Dirt (3yo or older)
- GII / Daily Hai Nisai Stakes デイリー杯2歳ステークス / 1,600m Turf (2yo only)
- GI / Queen Elizabeth II Cup エリザベス女王杯 / 2,200m Turf (3yo or older filly only)
- GI Mile Champion Ship マイルチャンピオンシップ / 1,600m Turf (3yo or older)
- GIII / Kyoto Nisai Stakes 京都2歳ステークス / 2,000m Turf (2yo only)
- GIII / Keihan Hai 京阪杯 / 1,200m Turf (3yo or older)

[Jump Grade race]

- J-GIII / Kyoto High Jump / 京都ハイジャンプ / 3,930m Turf (4yo or older)

- J-GIII / Kyoto Jump Stakes / 京都ジャンプステークス / 3,170m Turf (3yo or older)


[Access from major cities]

1. from Tokyo or Kyoto (Tokyo or Kyoto station)
- Tokyo Station → Kyoto Station (Tokaido Shinkansen (bullet train) / 2h)
- Kyoto Station →Kintetsu Tanbabashi Station (Kintetsu Kyoto line / 10m)
- Kintetsu Tanbabashi Station → Tanbabashi Station (walk / 5m)
- Tanbabashi Station → Yodo Station (Keihan Railway / 10m)

2. from Osaka (JR Osaka Station)
- JR Osaka Station →Kyobashi Station (JR Osaka Loop line / 10m)
- Kyobashi Station →Yodo Station (Keihan Railway / 45m)

Starting gate
4th corner
Re-opened in 2023 after 3 years renovation
View from smart seat area

[Official website]

<ENG> https://japanracing.jp/en/racing/go_racing/jra_racecourses/j03.html
<JPN> https://www.jra.go.jp/facilities/race/kyoto/
<How to bet> https://japanracing.jp/en/racing/go_racing/guide/betting.html

Statues of Triple Crown and Triple Tiara winners (3rd races of Triple crown and tiara, Kikka Sho and Shuka Sho, are held in Kyoto racecourse.
Food area
Shrine in racecourse
Iconic Clock made by the tree located in the Paddock before 2023 renovation

[Entertainment around the racecourse]

-Fushimi Inari Shrine: Fanous shrine (10 min by train) http://inari.jp/en/
-Fushimi “Sake” Brewery District: Several famous Sake breweries located

- Kyoto old town: Traditional and the most iconic tourism spot in Japan

Memorial marker of “Rice Shower ライスシャワー” the horse won 3 GI races in Kyoto racecourse (1992 Kikka Sho, 1993 Tennohsho Spring and 1995 Tennohsho and died summer 1995 during the race in Kyoto

Information on other racecoueses in Japan 🏇🇯🇵
