
英語日記 2023/07/24(MON) アロマとハーブと関西の祭り

>Student (わたしが書いた文)

I think aromatherapy is good for health. The reason I started it was because I had a mentally difficult time at work. I have 20 kinds of aroma oil, and I enjoy burning them every night.

My favorite herbs are basil and perilla. They are growing in planters. It's very easy for taking care and bugs avoid them. I tried to grow lettuce this year, but a lot of red bugs came to them.

The Tenjin Matsuri looks good. I have never participated in a big festival in Kansai, but they will be energetic. Certanry Obon may has a similar meaning Christmas and Easter in Japan. Christmas and Easter seem more flashy and cheerful though.

>Corrections (修正された文)

I think aromatherapy is good for your health. The reason I started it was because I had a mentally difficult time at work. I have 20 kinds of aroma oil, and I enjoy burning them every night.

My favorite herbs are basil and perilla. They are growing in planters. They're very easy to take care of and bugs avoid them. I tried to grow lettuce this year, but a lot of red bugs came to them.

The Tenjin Matsuri looks good. I have never participated in a big festival in Kansai, but they seem energetic. Certainly, Obon may have a similar meaning to Christmas and Easter in Japan. Christmas and Easter seem more flashy and cheerful though.


It's very easy for taking care and bugs avoid them.
They're very easy to take care of and bugs avoid them.
take care of で「世話をする」ですね。中学生の頃に習った気が。後ろに名詞が無くてもちゃんと of を付けなければ。

Certanry Obon may has a similar meaning Christmas and Easter in Japan.
Certainly, Obon may have a similar meaning to Christmas and Easter in Japan.
similar to で「~に似ている」ですね。これも学生の頃に習った気が。。こういう、穴埋めテストで出てきたような熟語が、自然な文章を書く上でジワジワ効いてくるのですね。




