
今日はジムに行ったのですが、ジムの駐輪場に自転車がたくさん並んでいるのをみて、''It's so crowded.''と無意識に脳内で独り言を言っていました。
2つ目は、どの講師も''Have fun!''と言うことです。
初対面の講師のレッスンを受講した際、ほとんどの講師の方が'' You're so young. So have fun and enjoy your life!''と言います。やはり何事も楽しむことが一番大事なのだなと感じました。私は「人生1度きり」という言葉が好きで、何事も楽しむことを大事にしています。そしてこの英語学習の日々も楽しんでいます。引き続き楽しみ続けます!


I attended the English language class and read the English newspaper today as well.
I have two things what I noticed today.
First, I noticed that my English has improved.
I went to the gym today, and when I saw the bicycle parking lot was so crowded, I said 'It's so crowded' to myself unconsciously.
I came to be able to do things that I never thought of before started studying English, which made me happy.

Second, every teacher says ''Have fun!'
When I attend classes from  teachers I meet for the first time, most of them
say ' You're so young. So have fun and enjoy your life!' 
After all, I realized that the most important thing is to enjoy everything.

I like the word "you only live once" and I cherish to enjoy everything. And I also enjoy learning English these days . I will continue to enjoy it!
* Thank you for reading my noto. If you find any mistakes in my English text,  could you point them out? It would be greatly helpful. Good night!
