
I did not know anyone other than me. I did not know this world. Thank you for destroying my daily life. Thank you for wanting me and the future2

…If I notice, I have been walking a tightrope all the time. This is the only way to be allowed to be yourself…
 …There is no lifeline. If I fall, I will die. So no matter what happens, I can not fall from here. Because no one will help me…
 …I am used to the fact that my muscles are always tense and my breathing is shallow and it is hard to breathe…
 『WIND BREAKER』It is the word of Sakura.

 In modern times, being alone is regarded as a negative thing.
 Is being alone a good thing or a bad thing?
 Actually, this idea is the root of the mistakes we are making.

 Loneliness has nothing to do with whether you are actually alone or not.
 Loneliness is a subjective emotion, and it does not necessarily mean physical isolation.
