[アイデア] explainableな構造ー物性相関のLLM予測モデルのデータセットの自動生成






  1. 問題と回答のペアを与える

  2. 理由を考えさせる

  3. 問題+理由から、良い感じの回答が得られれば、それをデータセットに採用する










To prepare quantitative hints for predicting the melting point of 1,4-Benzenedithiol, which is 97 degrees Celsius, you can consider various factors that typically influence the melting point of a compound. These hints can include:
Molecular Structure: 1,4-Benzenedithiol consists of a benzene ring with two thiol (SH) groups at the 1 and 4 positions. The presence of a benzene ring usually suggests a higher melting point due to the stability of the aromatic ring. Additionally, the thiol groups might influence intermolecular interactions.
Intermolecular Forces: The thiol groups in 1,4-Benzenedithiol can form hydrogen bonds, which are strong intermolecular forces. Stronger intermolecular forces generally lead to higher melting points.
Symmetry of the Molecule: Symmetrical molecules tend to pack better in a solid state, which can lead to higher melting points. The 1,4-substitution pattern on the benzene ring provides a degree of symmetry.
Molar Mass: Generally, compounds with higher molar masses have higher melting points. The molar mass of 1,4-Benzenedithiol can be considered moderate in comparison to other organic compounds.
Comparison with Similar Compounds: Comparing with similar compounds, such as benzene or other substituted benzenes, can give insights. For example, benzene has a melting point of 5.5 degrees Celsius, but the introduction of functional groups typically increases the melting point.
Purity of the Sample: The purity of a compound significantly affects its melting point. Impurities usually lower the melting point and broaden the melting point range.
Experimental Conditions: The method and conditions under which the melting point is measured (like atmospheric pressure) can also affect the result.



Q: Melting point of 1,4-Benzenedithiol?
Hints: Molecular Structure: 1,4-Benzenedithiol consists of a benzene ring with two thiol (SH) groups at the 1 and 4 positions. The presence of a benzene ring usually suggests a higher melting point due to the stability of the aromatic ring. Additionally, the thiol groups might influence intermolecular interactions. Intermolecular Forces: The thiol groups in 1,4-Benzenedithiol can form hydrogen bonds, which are strong intermolecular forces. Stronger intermolecular forces generally lead to higher melting points. Symmetry of the Molecule: Symmetrical molecules tend to pack better in a solid state, which can lead to higher melting points. The 1,4-substitution pattern on the benzene ring provides a degree of symmetry. Molar Mass: Generally, compounds with higher molar masses have higher melting points. The molar mass of 1,4-Benzenedithiol can be considered moderate in comparison to other organic compounds. Comparison with Similar Compounds: Comparing with similar compounds, such as benzene or other substituted benzenes, can give insights. For example, benzene has a melting point of 5.5 degrees Celsius, but the introduction of functional groups typically increases the melting point. Purity of the Sample: The purity of a compound significantly affects its melting point. Impurities usually lower the melting point and broaden the melting point range. Experimental Conditions: The method and conditions under which the melting point is measured (like atmospheric pressure) can also affect the result.


Predicting the exact melting point of a compound like 1,4-Benzenedithiol without experimental data is challenging, but we can make an educated guess based on the given hints:

  1. Molecular Structure: The presence of a benzene ring suggests a higher melting point due to aromatic stability. Thiol groups at the 1 and 4 positions may enhance intermolecular interactions.

  2. Intermolecular Forces: Thiol groups can form hydrogen bonds, a strong intermolecular force. This typically leads to a higher melting point.

  3. Symmetry of the Molecule: The symmetrical 1,4-substitution pattern on the benzene ring aids in efficient packing in the solid state, which usually correlates with a higher melting point.

  4. Molar Mass: 1,4-Benzenedithiol has a moderate molar mass relative to other organic compounds, which could imply a moderately high melting point.

  5. Comparison with Similar Compounds: Benzene itself melts at 5.5 °C. Substituted benzenes often have higher melting points due to added functional groups. Since thiol groups can form strong hydrogen bonds, this could significantly increase the melting point compared to benzene.

  6. Purity of the Sample: Assuming a pure sample, we would expect the melting point to be at its highest and most narrow range.

  7. Experimental Conditions: Assuming standard conditions, the prediction would be more straightforward.

Considering these factors, especially the impact of hydrogen bonding and the moderate molar mass, the melting point of 1,4-Benzenedithiol is likely to be significantly higher than that of benzene, but not extremely high due to its moderate molar mass. A rough estimate might place the melting point in the range of 50 to 150 °C. However, without experimental data, this remains an educated guess.




・低コストな計算値をinputに加える(例: group contribution method, 低コストなDFT)

・予測精度を上げるための説明文の作り方(prompt engineering)

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