
NHKラジオビジネス英語(Lesson 25)


Rook! So good to see you again! How's business these days?

Emily! Lisa! Hello, hello! When was the last time I saw you? Two years ago or most? How time flies! The last few years has been testing, but I can finally say there is light at the end of the tunnel. Room occupancy is around 70%, the highest since March 2020.

Sounds very positive! How about the restaurant in your hotel?

Much better! Considering that many of restaurants in Tokyo were on the verge of bankruptcy one year ago, the future seems bright.

And receptions and banquets?

Sadly, not as good, buw weddings and afterparties are coming back and selling a lot of wines. More affordable wines than champagne off course, but yes.


Well, I think when the economy recovers, we'll see more champagne and Burgundy go out.

testing 試練の、困難な

light at the end of the tunnel ひとすじの光
 turn around 好転する
 see a silver lining 希望の兆し

room occupancy 客室稼働率

on the verge of ~ 〜の寸前で

bankruptcy 倒産

afterparty 二次会

affordable (金銭的に)手の届く
