(再訪) からあげ at Cocoro

Hello Bonjour! からちゃんとあげちゃんは、忙しいスクールイヤーをまた1つ終え、疲れた脳をからあげで回復する必要がありました。去年の夏の間に行ったCocoroのからあげがとても気に入っていたので、今回は仲良しの友だちを一人連れて、またCocoroに行くことにしました!

Hello Bonjour! Having just finished another busy school year, of course Kara-chan and Age-chan needed to heal their tired brains with some good karaage. Because we truly loved the karaage at Cocoro last summer, we decided to go back with our good friend! 


We looked through the menu, pretending to have no idea about what we were going to have. After a few minutes, we all ordered the karaage-don, as we had already decided before coming. 


Our beloved karaage-don was the best just as we had remembered, but we noticed a change - the karaage-don seemed to have said good-bye to the miso soup and the salad that used to come with it, but the amount of karaage increased. Yay!


Our exhausted brains were completely healed thanks to the awesome karaage, and we left Cocoro being extremely happy. If you want to revitalize yourself, go to Cocoro and have the karaage-don!