
英語で『枕草子』の完訳をなさったMeredith McKinney博士のことなど


In the backdrop of a noble’s mansion during the Heian period of Japan, a 2 to 3-year-old child is swiftly crawling and notices a tiny speck of dust on the ground, capturing it with their tiny, adorable fingers and looking up to show it to an adult. The image should be expressed very flatly, with subdued colors, emphasizing the textures of silk and the seeping of natural pigments. The overall saturation is set to 10%, with an analog texture that conveys the gentleness of Sei Shonagon's perspective. Incorporate an asymmetric composition to add interest and dynamism to the scene.

Inspired by The Pillow Book (Makura no Sōshi) written in Sei Shonagon.
"The Pillow Book" stands alongside "The Tale of Genji" as one of Japan's most influential classics. Think of "The Tale of Genji" as a novel and "The Pillow Book" as a collection of essays.

Inspired by today's theme of "childhood," I visualized a scene described as "cute" by Sei Shonagon a thousand years ago.

Dr. Meredith McKinney, PhD, a Visiting Professor at Australian National University, is a scholar of medieval Japanese literature and a literary translator.

I checked a sample of the complete translation of "The Pillow Book" into English by Dr. Meredith McKinney, available on Kindle. Those interested in Japanese culture may find insights in her work.

そして今、数え年じゃん! と泣いてる。



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