
This is my 2nd time writing my note. I wanna make my note in English.Today was cold.It snowed afternoon.Its first time in this winter season.Yeah I'm drinking beer and gin tonight.Hon Kirin beer and Tanqueray. strictly speaking, Honkirin isn't a beer but 3rd beer, beer like drinks.But Honkirin has a really beer taste and the price is lower than beer price.Easy to buy.Most Japanese like it.maybe. My best 3rd beer is Mugi to Hoppu(Sapporo). 5-6 years ago my best 3rd beer was Kinmugi(Suntory) Suntory really know the importance of water.I really feel it from Kinmugi.But....When I drank Mugi to Hoppu I felt that this is the most close to Beer taste!! Just because Mugi to Hoppu is my best haha. A preference is different. I know it haha.But I like M to H!!!!

BTW I tried the weird MIXED!! Can you imagine it????? haha

I show you!!



Frozen Tanqueray 30ml and Honkirin some.haha so weird.I don't recommend this.Frozen Tanqueray is good.smoother than a room temperature one. I always put it in the fridge. I can have smooth one. Do you make some cocktail?? No straight or weird mixed haha.

Last year I had mixed Pinnacle with soy milk, then put it in microwave!! 


Haha I think upper pic way is better than than than hot soy milk pinnacle.
