

*See below for the English version.

























名称未設定のデザイン (1)




Tests are an important part of students’ lives and they come to visit every season, some are easy and some are hard depending on what you’re good at. What tests do you struggle with?

Hey, it’s me again, Kabir. Let’s talk about school tests today and I’ll also share my tips on how to do well in them.

Here in Japan, while in elementary school or middle school, bad grades don’t really affect you too much and you will grade up regardless of bad grades so you might think, what's the point of studying then? The answer is, for your high school’s entrance examination and then university entrance examinations. You will simply not be able to keep up with your studies later on so it’s better to just study than to suffer later on.

How my "tests" were back in Nepal?

I came to Japan at the end of my middle school 2nd year and I ended up repeating a year here because in Japan kids go to grades with the same age group but I didn't mind reapeating a year as I got enough time to adjust very well here with an extra year making my high school life easier. Compared to Japan, school tests in Nepal was a lot intense and very different.

There is no test to fill in the mark sheet or blanks, all are open-ended, and it is a test to write as much as possible on loose-leaf like answer sheets. You request an additional answer sheet from my teacher if you run out of space .

Since I write a lot on my tests, I am asked to write everything I know about the subject being tested and what I think and think about the topic. In many cases some of my friends used to memorized the answers two pages long).

It is a lot of writing, while also being careful not to make any grammar mistakes or spelling errors. Points are deducted for each misspelling, grammar mistakes and every teacher has their own way of deducting points for mistakes on tests.

How to better study for tests

You cannot study the day before the exam day and then pass it for some subjects especially history. There is just too much to remember and if you haven’t sorted out what to absolutely not forget and what is the least likely to appear in a test. So, it’s very important to take all your classes seriously and take notes. Your school tests are mostly put together by your subject’s teacher who will tell you hints during class on what’s very likely to appear on tests which you must take notes of. Using a highlighter to mark important parts on your notes.

You could also use different colour pens/pencils or use sticky notes to label different stuff and make your notes very clean.

First test in Japan

When I took the test for the first time in Japan, I remember starting to realize that "Oh, it's a test?" The atmosphere in the class and the method of answering the test was completely different from what I was used to so I didn't feel like I was taking at all the first time. As a student who had always had very good grades, I got very anxious about my studies when I got home after the school ended that day.

 I remember that the first test I took was a chemistry test. I looked through the whole test, everything was in Japanese, there were diagrams I knew and could definitely solve if it were in english which was very saddening. At the end,I could only answer the blanks in the periodic table question because chemical formulae written in English alphabets which was the only stuff I could understand. Better than nothing, I thought. 

Difference between Japanese and Nepal test

The biggest difference I felt between the Japanese and Nepalese tests was that your final score in a subject in Japan is the total of points from points you get from attendance, class test, homeworks, class participation and other stuff that the teacher decides which was very new to me. 

Whereas in Nepal, it's all tests. When I finally understood Japanese school system and realized I was getting points just by appearing in class, I got very happy and thought it was ridiculous.

In Nepal, students need to score at a test (a test every season therefore 4 tests a year) to affect their grades and you do also get a little points from doing reports but it's very rare (unless you're a university student).And your attendence is well just your attendance count.  

How to better study for a Japanese test ?

Now, I would like to tell you a few helpful tips on how to prepare for tests in Japan. I hope it will also become a little reference for people who have roots overseas.

Ususally, I like to study a day before the exam or on mornings of the exam day because I tend to forget things I don't use in my daily life. But some subjects just can't be cleared the same way and need some extra preparations in advance.
Especially subjects like history. You will need to memo things, pin places that might appear in tests during your classes so you know what to remember for the test and what to ignore. Therefore, it is very important to take your classes seriously and also take appropriate notes.

If you take notes, Japanese tests are easy to do. Most school teacher will give you hints about what's likely to come up in a test and what to completely ignore during your daily classes, so always be ready to take notes of them.

Mark important parts of your notebook with a highlighter. Use colored pens / pencils or sticky notes to label various stuff in your notebook and also make it very understandable when you want to revise what you studied.

Practicing for the test is also very important as it will give you an idea about how to manage your time to get the most points because you won't have unlimited time. You can't be wasting your times solving questions that will take a while to solve when there are other questions that your can finish in an instant, you might end up not having enough time left to answer the question you know. So set a limited time and practice doing a test. It'll also help you be more mentally prepared for the real test.

You might be anxious about your performance in your tests but getting anxious doesn't help at all, keep calm and do your best! 

Have a nice day. Good luck on your exams !