
「NHK基礎英語3」一年間チャレンジ59日目 52日目英作文添削結果




My favorite place

〇I love bookstores.

✖Ever since I was little, I always loved to spend hours wondering around a bookstore.
〇Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved to spend hours wandering around a bookstore.

✖I did try to spend as much time there as possible.
I used to try to spend as much time there as possible.

✖Most of the time I didn’t have any money to spend in the bookstores, but I spent hours walking around and looking at books.
〇Most of the time I didn’t have any money to spend in the bookstores, but I would spend hours just walking around and looking at books.

〇Many bookstores literally have thousands of books to pick from.

✖You could find a book that interests you, and also explore topics that have never even interested you before.
〇You could find a book that interests you, or even explore topics that have never even interested you before.

✖It seems like you can spend hours on your own adventure around the bookstore.
〇If you wanted to, you could easily spend hours on your own adventure around a bookstore.

〇It's amazing.

〇A lot of large bookstores also have cafe areas that serve coffee.

〇It's not surprising that a bookstore would be one of my favorite places when it has my two favorite things: books and coffee.
Alternative: ...it has two of my favorite things

〇There is nothing more relaxing than doing my work with a coffee surrounded by books.

〇Where is your favorite place?







今日どうしても発音できなかった単語が ”walking"



先生から"ch"と"k"の練習に役立つTongue TwisterのYouTube動画も紹介してもらったので興味のある方はチャレンジしてみてください!

