
The last supper day 2

Upon awakening, I followed my usual routine and experienced a typical day with no deviations. However, today marks the culmination of my time in the familiar and comfortable surroundings of Japan. ❣

The anticipation of departing for Australia is palpable, although I acknowledge that the lifestyle and circumstances there will bring a welcome change, albeit with different nuances. I am brimming with hope and excitement, though a hint of nervousness lingers.

I recognize the futility of overly dwelling on the unknown future. Without divine omniscience, predicting what lies ahead is beyond our grasp. Our efforts to prepare are primarily geared towards unforeseeable circumstances.

My steadfast belief in relishing the present moment serves as my guiding motto.🔥🔥

Let's embark on the tasks related to my business. Today marked the final occasion to savor Japanese cuisine, symbolizing a farewell supper. I shared this last day with my sister, who graciously hosted a Japanese meal for me. Expressing gratitude to all who have supported my journey towards realizing my dreams is imperative. I am committed to maintaining humility and consistently acknowledging the assistance I receive.

With luggage duly checked once more, I will sleep early in preparation for tomorrow's flight.

Ta !!!!!!!
