
毎週のメッセージ「感謝は8つの祝福を解き放つ!」 (ニサンの月) ゲヤス・ローレンス





このようにして 私たちはこの月に、キリスト教の2つの主要な土台を覚えることになります。




「賛美」 (新改訳「ほめたたえ」) と訳されている言葉は ヘブル語の「Yadah」で、「両手を掲げて感謝にあふれること」を意味します。


「感謝します Thank you」 は、天の御国を開くパス・コードなのです(詩100:4)。


多くの信者たちは、他の人々を祝福してはいません。彼らは いつも感謝することによって、祝福の豊かさの数々を受け取ってはいないからです。

神はすでに、すべてのものをもって 私たちを祝福してくださいました(エペソ1:3)。









6.感謝は、国々を治める王の「笏」なのです(創49:10。英訳の「笏」を、新改訳は「王権」と訳す) (創49:10、ヘブル1:8、黙2:26〜27、黙19:15)。

王たちは乞食のように、物乞いはしません! 王が語るものはいかなるものでも、法律として制定されるようになります! 

王イエスの御前で感謝にあふれることが、正しい祈り方です。私たちは もはや罪人などではありません!私たちは王家の子どもとなったのです!






ダビデは、神は自分の手を戦いのために鍛えてくださると言いました(詩18:34)。パウロは男たちに、彼らが祈る時に きよい手を上げるようにと要請しました(1テモテ2:8)。

サタンは打ち負かされました! 悪霊どもは打ち負かされました! 罪は打ち負かされました! すべての呪いは打ち負かされました! 病気は打ち負かされました! 

イエスは その血潮とよみがえりを通して、これらすべてのものを打ち負かしてくださいました。 戦いは、すでに勝利しているのです! 


イエスの勝利のゆえに 私たちの心から、また私たちの言葉でイエスに感謝し、すでに支払われているところのすべての祝福を受け取ることです!

 私は「使徒的センター」 および 「使徒的教会」について教えるために この金曜日、使徒的センター香川に行くことを楽しみにしています。


多くの人たちはリバイバルを待ち望んでいますが、「使徒的ムーブメント」はすでに始まっており、世界の他の どの宗教よりも早く成長していっています!


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message-Thanksgiving releases 8 blessings! (Month of Nisan)

Dear thankful saints!

We have just moved into the month of Nisan, which is the month of the tribe of Judah (Gen.29:35; 49:8-9;Dt.33:7). God told us that the year begins this month (Ex.12:2). This is the month of the Feast of Passover where Jesus died as the Lamb of God, and Jesus rose from the dead to purchase salvation for everyone who believes in Him. We remember the two main foundations of Christianity this month. As we remember what Jesus has done for us, we must release our thanksgiving to Jesus!

Here are 8 blessings that will come to us for the next 2 months if we choose to release thanksgiving:

1. Thanksgiving will release the blessing of the tribe of Judah (Gen.29:35).

The word for "praise" is "Yadah" which means to be thankful with lifted hands. We connect with the Glory Realm of God by lifting up our hands and releasing thanksgiving. "Thank you" is the passcode to the Kingdom of Heaven (Ps.100:4).

2. Thanksgiving will release so much blessing on our lives and through our lives, that people will thank us for blessing them (Gen.49:8).

Many believers are not blessing others, because they are not receiving the abundance of blessings by being thankful always. God has already blessed us with every thing (Eph.1:3)

3. Thanksgiving will cause our hands to be on the neck of our enemies (Gen.49:8).

Thanksgiving is the sound of faith which causes the lies of Satan to stop.

4. Thanksgiving will cause things to bow down (Gen.49:8).

Jesus has made us kings and priests to rule (Rev.1:6). What needs to bow down? Our flesh and our soul! Thanksgiving keeps us in the presence of Jesus and His anointing.

5. Thanksgiving spoils the enemy (Gen.49:9).

Thanksgiving lifestyle keeps us under an open heaven. Thanksgiving attracts the blessings to come to us because we are receiving from God.

6. Thanksgiving is the scepter that rules over nations (Gen.49:10; Her.1:8; Rev.2:26-27; Rev.19:15).

Kings do not beg! Whatever a king says becomes an established law! Being thankful before King Jesus is the right way to pray. We are not sinners anymore! We have been adopted into a King's Family!

7. Thanksgiving will cause our teeth to be white (Gen.49:11-12).

Our teeth speaks of our words. The milk of the Word of God causes us to be strong in faith. We do not have true faith until we can say "Thank you" to Jesus. Our words must become full of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ!

8. Thanksgiving are the spiritual hands of war that we use against our enemies (Deut.33:7).

David said that God trains his hands for war (Ps.18:34). Paul asked the men to lift up holy hands as they pray (1 Tim.2:8). Satan is defeated! Demons are defeated! Sin is defeated! Every curse is defeated! Sickness is defeated! Jesus defeated all these things through the blood of Jesus and by the resurrection. The battle is already won! So what should we do all day long? Thanking Jesus from our hearts and with our words for His victory, and receiving every blessing which is already paid for!

I am looking forward to coming to Kagawa AC this Friday night to teach on Apostolic Centers and Apostolic Churches. I will also be coming to Yamaguchi Apostolic School on Saturday to teach on the Ministry of an apostle. The apostolic reformation is the fastest movement in the world right now. Many are waiting for revival, but the apostolic movement has already started and is growing faster than any other religion in the world!

All for the Lamb of God!

apostle Gaius Lawrence


毎週のメッセージ「感謝は8つの祝福を解き放つ!」 (ニサンの月) ゲヤス・ローレンス|KCI Gaius Lawrence Ministries