
毎週のメッセージ「神を求めることによって報いを受け取る月! (イッサカル族) ゲヤス・ローレンス

親愛なる 御国の聖徒の皆様!





























私たちは日々、天に 宝の数々をたくわえています(マタイ6:20)。私たちは天が私たちのために用意している、すべてのものを受け取らなければなりません。

 私はこの土曜、使徒的スクール東京に行って、「打ち勝つ信仰を持つための鍵の数々」について教えることを楽しみにしています。私は、 「信仰とは?」、また「信仰の7つのレベル」などといったトピックについて教える予定です。イエスは、私たちが信じる時、不可能なことは何もないとおっしゃいました。



使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message-Month to receive rewards by seeking God! (Tribe of Isachar)

Dear Kingdom saints!

We are now in the month of Iyar and we are counting down to the Feast of Pentecost, the Feast of harvest!. This is the season where we renew our mind with the teaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught 40 days concerning the Kingdom of God. We must know what to do to see the heavens open and receive all that God wants to give us. This is the month of Issachar and his name means "reward" (Gen.30:18). The Bible tells us many times that there is a reward system in the Kingdom of God (2 Chronicles.15:7).

Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." When we believe in God, there must be works attached to it. 

Here are two things we are told to do:

1. We must believe that God exists. God is not Dead! There is a God, and we know He exists because He became a human being to reveal Himself! Jesus still saves, heals, delivers, and blesses His people.

2. We must receive rewards by seeking God earnestly. Our faith causes us to seek God to receive abundant life (John 10:10). Our rewards come to us if we are seeking God. God is alive but He is hidden from our natural eyes. But we know that God is with us. The Bible is clear that God will reward us according to our works (Hebrews.6:10; Mt.16:27; Rev.22:12; 1 Cor.3:14). Our faith is revealed by our daily deeds (James 2:17-19).

Here are 8 key points from the prophetic blessings of Issachar (Gen.49:14,15; Debt.33:18,19)

1. We are called to be workers in this life. The donkey speaks of work.

2. We need to learn to relax and have peace in our work. Our daily work is our ministry from the Lord to bless people.

3. We must find our resting place and our land. Many are looking for something better all the time, and miss the blessing in our daily lives.

4. We have to see our daily work as good and not as evil. Our daily work as parents, husbands, wives, and as a business person is all worship unto God.

5. Zebulun and Issachar is connected. Zebulun speaks of going out and Isachar speak of dwelling in tents. As we go out everyday to work for the Lord, we must also find our "tent" where we can relax and find God's presence.

6. We must invite people to the mountain of God. The mountain of God is where God's presence is known and where God teaches us (Is.2:2-3).

7. We must learn to offer up sacrifices of righteousness. When we walk right before God everyday, it is like a sacrifice to God. We must do what is right!

8. We must claim abundance and the hidden treasures. Everyday we are storing up treasures in heaven (Mt.6:20). We must receive everything that Heaven has for us.

I am looking forward to coming to Tokyo Apostolic School this Saturday to teach on "Keys to having faith that overcomes". I will be teaching on topics such as, "What is faith?" and "The 7 levels of faith". Jesus said nothing is impossible when we believe. The Bible also tells us that our faith grows. Do you know what kind of faith you have? This is the month when we must know how to connect with God's Glory and power!

All for King Jesus!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
