
毎週のメッセージ「あなたが置かれている季節に何をなすべきかを どのようにして知るのか! (イッサカル族の祝福)」ゲヤス・ローレンス

親愛なる 打ち破りの聖徒の皆様!

 東京に行く時に、私のために祈ってくださったすべての方々に感謝したいと思います。私はKCIコーナーストーン教会においてリーダーたちのための訓練コース・ レベル2を教えるために、今フィリピンにおります。








そこで、私たちは何をなすべきでしょう? 私たちは「祈る」ようにと教えられています! このことは、私たちが自分の季節を変えることができることを意味しています。それは、どのような祈りでしょう? 「祈り」と訳されているギリシャ語の原語は「proseuchomai」で、「感謝によって前に進み行くこと」、また「神と顔と顔を合わせること」を意味しています!







 ですから、みなさんは どの季節にいるのでしょう? この季節は、私たちが人生においてどのような場所にいるかを知る季節です。

私たちはみな、異なる季節います。 幸いだけが存在する、神の栄光の場所に入ろうではありませんか!



使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message-How to know what to do in your season! (Blessing of Issachar)

Dear breakthrough saints!

I want to thank everyone who prayed for me as I went to Tokyo. I am now in the Philippines to teach at the Leaders Training Level 2 at KCI Cornerstone Church. We are in the season where we must allow the Lord to equip us, so that we can be ready to receive the next level of God's Presence and Power.

1 Chronicles 12:32 says,"Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do..". In this month of connecting with the blessing of Issachar, we must know what season we are in, but we also must know what to do! Jesus said, "... You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times." (Matthew 16:3). In our own lives we must know where we are as a believer, and then we must know what to do to change seasons.

In James 5:13-14, the Holy Spirit teaches us about three different seasons that believers go through. Here are the three seasons, and what to do in these seasons.

1. The season of hardship (v.13)

Life is full of different types of hardships. We know that this verse is not talking about sickness, because James talks about it later. Jesus told us that we will go through a lot of hardships (Matthew 6:34). We can receive trouble from Satan, demons, other people, and even from our own flesh and soul. We might be going through a season of trauma and sadness. We might be going through a season of lack. Some might be going through a season of depression. So what do we do? We are told to pray! This means that we can change our seasons. What kind of prayer? The word is "proseuchomai" for pray, which means to move forward by thanksgiving, and come face to face with God!

2. The season of happiness (v.13)

When we do not have trouble, and when everything is going great, we are told to sing psalms! Praise and thanksgiving keeps us in the place where the presence of God dwells. God inhabits the praises of His people (Ps.22:3). Praise silences the enemy (Psalm 8:2). We must worship the Lord and stay in the presence of the tangible Glory of God.

3. The season of sickness (v.14)

The word for sickness is "astheneo", which means to be weak in soul and body. The word means to have no strength. If we are in a season of sickness, James did not tell us that we can not do anything about it. We are told to pray the prayer of faith which will heal the sick (James 5:15). It does not say that we "might" get healed, but we will recover from the time we receive the healing promise by faith from the Lord Jesus. If we are weak in our mind, will, and emotions, we must also receive by faith the healing promise from the Lord.

So what season are you in? This is the season to know where we are in life. We are all in different seasons. Lets move into the place of God's Glory where there is only happiness! Joshua Mills will be coming next week to Osaka and then to Tokyo, so lets get into the Glory of God! There is MORE!

All for the manifest Glory of God!

apostle Gaius Lawrence

