



イエスは、単にご自身のご人格を私たちにお与えになるだけではなく、イエスはご自身の力をも私たちにお与えになります。私たちがその人生で神の約束の数々をさらに見ることができるよう、私たちは自分のうちに働く油注ぎにおいて成長したいと願っています。イエスは依然として ご自身の民を救い、解放し、癒し、また祝福することがおできになります。


弟子たちは、イエスがどのようなお方であるか、証し人にならなければなりませんでした。弟子たちは、単にその人生においてイエスを知るというだけではなく、彼らは他の人々に救い、解放と癒しをもたらす力を持たなければなりませんでした。イエスの臨在は私たちの人生を変えますが、イエスの力は 神の約束を私たちにデモンストレーションしていきます。

 ですから、神の力は私たちの人生でどのように現われるのでしょうか? イエスは私たちに、父の約束を待つようにと言われました(使徒1:5)。イエスは私たちに、いと高き所から力が着せられるまでは、とどまるように(KJV, NKJV訳。「待ち望むように」)と言われました(ルカ24:49)。





1. 神は弱って元気の無い者(KJV訳)・疲れた者(NASB, NIV訳)に力をお与えになります(イザヤ40:29)。

2. 神は私たちの人生に、神の力を増し加えてくださいます(KJV, NKJV訳。「勢いの無い者たちに、神は力を増し加えてくださる」)(イザヤ4:29)。

3. 神は、私たちが主を待ち望むにしたがって、ご自身の力を私たちに新たにされます(KJV, NKJV, NIV訳より)(イザヤ40:31)。

4. 神の力は私たちを、天の領域から見るようにさせます(イザヤ40:31)。

5. 神の力は私たちに、競走・レースを走るようにさせます(イザヤ40:31)。

6. 神の力は私たちに、信仰の歩みを歩むようにさせます(イザヤ40:31)。





2. 神があなたに、その一節を通して何と語っておられるか見出しましょう。すべてのことばは、その内にパワーを秘めています。その聖句を黙想しましょう。






使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message- 7 points concerning Prayer and the Power of God! 

Dear anointed saints!

It was such a wonderful time as I went to the church dedications service in Life Stream Church in Kagawa. The Lord told all of us to build His church so that the nations can be discipled (Mt.28:17-20). The church of Jesus must have His presence and His power (Acts 1:8). Jesus does not just give us His character, but He also gives us His power. We want to grow in our anointing so that we can see more of the promises of God in our lives. Jesus still can save, deliver, heal and bless His people.

Jesus told His disciples that they must receive power so that they can be witnesses for Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8). The disciples were to be witnesses of who Jesus is. The disciples were not to just know Jesus in their lives, but they were to have power to bring salvation, deliverance and healing to others. The presence of Jesus changes our lives, but the power of Jesus demonstrates His promises to us.

So how does God's power manifests in our lives? Jesus told us to wait for the promise of the Father (Acts 1:5). Jesus told us to wait until we are endured with power from on high (Luke 24:49). So to receive power from God, we must learn to wait upon the Lord. To see God's power in our lives, our families lives, and in our workplace, we must wait upon the Lord.

In Isaiah 40:29-31, we see 7 points concerning waiting upon the Lord and the power of God;

1. God gives power to the faint and the weary (v.29).

2. God increases His power upon our lives (v.29).

3. God renews His power on us as we wait upon the Lord (v.31).

4. God's power causes us to see from the heavenly realms (v.31).

5. God's power causes us to run the race (v.31).

6. God's power causes us to walk the faith walk (v.31).

7. God's power causes us to have fresh energy (v.31).

The key to see God do what He has promised us, is to learn to daily wait upon the Lord. Waiting time is a quiet time with God. We need to learn to be still and surrender our bodies to our King Jesus.

How to daily have a quiet time with God: (From 15 to 30 minutes)

1. Open up your Bible and start reading from Romans chapter 1 verse 1. Read one verse very slowly and think about every word.

2. Find out what God is saying through that one verse to you. Every word has power in it. Meditate on the verse.

3. Receive the presence of Jesus in your heart until your heart feels full.

4. Learn to keep the presence of Jesus the whole day by loving Jesus and loving others. Love keeps the power of God working in us.

I am looking forward to going to Kagawa Apostolic Center again this Friday to start a new teaching on the "Jezebel spirit". The Jezebel spirit has destroyed many believers because many do not know how this evil spirit operates in peoples lives. I will also be going to Yamaguchi Apostolic School to continue teaching on the "Ministry of the Prophet". There are many prophets in churches but not many know it. Its time for us to learn about modern prophets in this apostolic age.

All for the Power of God!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
