



 「ゼブルン」という名前は、「住まい・住みか dwelling」を意味します。私たちは、私たちのうちに住むお方に対して、父なる神に感謝をしなければなりません。私たちがすでに持っているものに対して感謝し、宣言するにしたがって、聖霊はそれら御国の祝福の数々を現わすことができるようになります。


1.「聖霊」 が、私たちのうちに住んでおられます(ローマ8:9〜10)。

2. 「癒しの力」 が、私たちのうちにあります(ローマ8:11)。

3. 「神の愛」 が、私たちのうちに住んでくださっています(エペソ3:17)。

4. 「キリストのことば」 が、私たちのうちに住んでいます(コロサイ3:16)。

5.「油注ぎ」 が、私たちのうちにとどまっています(1ヨハネ2:20,27)。

6.「真理」 が、私たちのうちに宿っています(2ヨハネ1:2)。

7.「信仰、希望と愛」 が、私たちのうちに残っています(1コリント13:13)。

8.「罪に打ち勝つ力」 が、私たちのうちにあります(1ヨハネ3:6)。



1. 感謝 − 


2. 賛美 − 

私たちは、神がどのような方であるかについて、賛美をささげます。神のすべてのものは、すでに私たちのうちにあります。神は 私たちのうちに住んでおられるのです。私たちが神が何者であるかを、私たちのうちに、私たちを通して、賛美していけばいくほど、神はご自身の力を現わしていかれます。

3. 宣告 − 






使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message-Month to understand what dwells in us (Month of Sivan/Zebulun)

Dear victorious saints!

We all have celebrated Pentecost and we are now ready to believe what we have received from the Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit came to us, we received the Kingdom of God. Jesus dwells in us to do the same works He did when He was on the earth. The Holy Spirit is in us for our own lives, and the Holy Spirit flows through us to save, deliver, and heal others.

The name of Zebulun means "dwelling". We must thank God the Father for what dwells in us. As we thank and declare what we already have, then the Holy Spirit can manifest those Kingdom blessings. Here are some verses that show us what we already have:

1. The Holy Spirit dwells in us (Rom.8:9,10)

2. The healing power is in us (Rom.8:11)

3. The love of God dwells in us (Eph.3:17)

4. The Word of Christ dwells in us (Col.3:16)

5. The anointing abides in us (1 Jn.2:20,27).

6. The truth dwells in us (2 Jn.1:2)

7. Faith, hope and love abides in us (1 Cor.13:13)

8. The power to overcome sin is in us (1 Jn.3:6)

The good news of the New Covenant is that we have become the temple of God. God dwells in us. The key to victory is to change our lives through 3 steps:

1. Thanksgiving- Thanking God for what we already have in the Kingdom of God.

2. Praise-We praise God for who He is. Everything of God is already in us. God dwells in us. The more we praise who God is in us and through us, God will manifest His power.

3. Proclamation-The anointing causes us to proclaim (Luke 4:13-16). What we proclaim will happen as Jesus will do what we say (Mk.11:23). The Holy Spirit has come, and He is ready to flow through His temple, which is our bodies.

I am looking forward to coming to Apostolic School Tokyo this Saturday to teach on "Faith that overcomes". On Sunday I will be at Church of Praise Tokyo to release what God is saying in this season.

Declaration: God dwells in my physical body. I carry the Glory of God. The power of God abides in me. Truth, faith, love, holiness and hope dwells in me. All the gifts of the Spirit dwells in me. The healing power dwells in me now. The deliverance anointing dwells in me now. I have Jesus now in my spirit, soul, and body. I am a champion in Christ now.

All for the Glory of God!

apostle Gains Lawrence

