
Oversea's sales rep.

I got an official job offer from a company 3 days before my graduation ceremony and the job was "overseas sales rep.".

The company said to me,

"You will have opportunities to go on business trips to foreign countries (1 to 2 weeks) in the nearest future."

, which means that I will have opportunities to use English.

Therefore, I was really fascinated by this and decided to join the company as a sales rep.

In Apil, I started to work for a company.
At first, the company ordered me to work in the factory for 1 year to learn about their products. While working in the factory, I don't have any chances to use English, so I tried to learn the technical words in English at home little by little. I thought I would become interested in the products and the industry I was involved using "English".

The works, such as assembling the products, operating the equipment and packaging, etc...in the factory were really tough and difficult for me. I was actually mentally tired at that time. However, I have yet to stand at the start line as an oversea's sales rep... that made me keep working there.

1 year later, the company ordered me to work in the sales department.

The destination of my first business trip was Malaysia.

It was a very small company, but the company gave me a variety of the job opportunities. The experiences taught me a lot and improved me a lot.

I visited 5 countries in total through the job and I left Japan more than 20 times for sales for 5 years and I was involved in a variety of projects in foreign countries.

Although I changed my jobs several times, I have been working as an oversea's sales rep., which means that the language has become a business tool and I need to face it everyday.
