Ryoan-ji Temple 龍安寺



Hello. Today, I am at Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto. A self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl, I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter.


Ryoan-ji Temple is a Zen Buddhist temple located in Ukyo Ward, Kyoto. You can find a strolling garden, which has rich natural garden with a pond and a dry landscape garden that became famous around the world through the visit of the British Queen Elizabeth II. Today, let me introduce Ryoan-ji Temple, a temple full of charm.


First, let's observe the paved walkway leading to the gate. It has a very stylish design, with three rows of ashlars arranged in the middle and natural small stones placed on the sides of the ashlars. In most gardens, you can see unique paved walkways each with their own different designs. These paved walkways are so fascinating that you can even find specialized books describing the differences among them, so you should definitely check the walkway here out as one of the highlights of the garden. In this approach, the tree branches cast shadows down on the walkway, creating quite the dramatic atmosphere.


This temple gate with a gabled roof is called "Yakui-mon" and was built during the Edo period (1603-1868). The gabled roof is shaped as if it were a book laid open above the gate. The Yakui-mon supports the roof by four pillars and has a small wooden door on the side. It is an authentic gate in the style used for samurai residences since the Muromachi period (1336-1573). It is said to be the second most prestigious style of gate in Japan. By the way, the first is a big tower gate called "Yagura-mon," which you can find in Japanese castles.


As you pass through the gate, you can enjoy an approach with beautifully arched trees. On your left side there is a large pond called "Kyoko-chi." Originally, Ryoan-ji Temple was a noble villa constructed near the end of the Heian period (794-1185), and aristocrats would play instruments and listen to music on boats floating in the pond. In addition, many mandarin ducks gathered here during the Edo period (1603-1868), so it was called the mandarin duck pond. In modern days you will still be able to see some ducks, swimming gracefully.


Additionally, if you walk up the approach for a few minutes, you will find a fence in what is known as Ryoan-ji style near Sansho Bridge. This style, which was first devised for use at Ryoan-ji Temple, is made by knitting splitted bamboos in the shape of a diamond, and it is often used for curved and long-distance approaches. This type of bamboo fence is beautiful both viewed from the front and the back.


I still have a few minutes before I reach the dry landscape garden, so I will use it to introduce the history of the temple. As I mentioned, the temple was originally a villa of Saneyoshi Tokudaiji during the Heian period. In the following Muromachi period, Katsumoto Hosokawa built Ryoan-ji Temple here. Hosokawa was working in a supporting position to Shogun Yoshimasa Ashikaga, who you may know for building Ginkaku-ji (the Temple of the Silver Pavilion) during the Muromachi period. However, it was destroyed in the Onin War and was rebuilt by Hosokawa's son Masamoto during the Edo period--yet it burned in a fire again. After that, it was again rebuilt, but next it fell into decline through the anti-Buddhist movement called “Haibutsu Kishaku” during the Meiji period (1868-1912).


In 1975, Queen Elizabeth II of England visited Ryoan-ji Temple because she wished to see its garden. After she saw the dry landscape garden, she was asked for her impression, and answered "I don't understand." This exchange was picked up by the international media, and the temple became famous all throughout the world. Thanks to the media sensation, a conservation movement went on in Japan, and the temple was listed as one of the World Heritage Sites in 1994.


Look! You can see the entrance. The combination of the stone stairs with the Ryoan-ji fence feels very dramatic to me because of the stylish way the shining green of the trees reflects on the stairs.


Well then, this is the dry landscape garden, or zen garden. The garden is located on the south side of the monastery called "Hojo," and its ground-floor area is about 248 square meters. The area is filled with white sand, and 15 stones are encrusted on the sand. The stones are separated into groups of five, two, three, two, and three respectively from the left side. In addition, the garden has a downward slant toward the top left in order to create a sense of depth as well as for the practical purpose of drainage.


The garden architect’s name, the date of creation, and the meaning of the garden’s design have not been clarified yet--all that can be said is that it is a dry landscape garden in a flat style that is rather mysterious. On the second group of stones from the left, there are two engraved marks of “Kotaro” and “Hikojiro”, which are assumed to represent the names of two unknown personages involved somehow in the gardening process.


There are various discussions as to the correct interpretation of the garden’s style, but my favorite theory is that it is supposed to represent the idea of incompleteness. This garden has 15 stones, but was designed so that you can see only 14 stones no matter what angle you view it from. The number 15 represents perfection in Japan because the moon becomes a full moon in 15 days--so in this context, the number 14 represents imperfection or incompleteness. Therefore, I think that the garden was created specifically so that we are unable to see more than 14 stones at any one time. I think that displays a unique Japanese sense of beauty, because Japanese aesthetics have always cherished the idea of the art object left slightly imperfect or incomplete.


The walls surrounding the dry landscape garden are made of soil mixed with rapeseed oils. I think that the beauty of the garden is accentuated further by the rustic style of its walls. Originally, the roof of the wall was made of tiles called "Kawara", but it was changed in the 1970s to its current style, made by stacking multiple layers of thin wooden boards, which is called "Kokera-buki.”


There is a gate next to the garden called "Chokushi-mon" for the emperor's messengers to enter. This gate has high historical value and is made in a wood shingle style called "Karaha-buki" featuring mountain-shaped roofs with inverted curves. The Queen entered through this gate during her visit.


Please make sure to check out the stone washbasin called "Tsukubai,” which is placed in the lawn before the tea house "Zoroku-an." It is shaped like an ancient Japanese coin and is of a type called the Ryoan-ji type only found in Ryoan-ji Temple. The stone washbasin was donated by Mitsukuni Tokugawa (1628-1700), the grandson of the first Shogun of the Edo period Ieyasu Tokugawa (1543-1616).


On the surface of the stone basin are written the kanji meaning “Knowing contentment; I only learn to be contented.” The phrase is a Buddhist teaching, and its import is that only people who experience satisfaction are able to reach serenity; those with unfulfilled desires will have restless hearts. I think that the phrase is placed in the garden as a zen teaching suggesting to us to be satisfied with only being able to see 14 stones in the garden. It is said that a zen teaching can not be taught by words, but is passed down from heart to heart. This method of teaching is expressed in the proverb, "Communication without words, a lesson without teaching." I personally believe that the stone washbasin was created in that same Buddhist spirit .


The stone washbasin here is a replica, and the real one, alongside the tea house "Zoroku-an,'' is not open to public viewing. By the way, the name "Zoroku-an" represents a Buddhist teaching "Rokkon Seijyo", which encapsulates a state of mind that is clear and calm, without any anxiety or selfishness.


Finally, I will walk along the pond toward the exit. Actually, there is another beautiful moss garden at the west side of the monastery, as well as a street with a wonderful landscape around the pond, but I can not introduce them today because this video has already gotten too long. Hopefully I will get another chance in the future.


Today, I’ve told you about the Japanese garden at Ryoan-ji Temple. In my ordinary life, I live with worldly desires and can't always satisfy myself. However, I was able to rest my heart while at Ryoan-ji temple, so my mind became clear and calm.


I especially like the street around the pond. When I walk the path, I can see the pond appearing or disappearing from between the trees. Seeing the pond dressed up with lotus flowers, beautifully reflecting a blue sky and white clouds, I feel as if my mind has been cleansed. I hope that all of you watching this video will also feel purified, and that you will be able to have a peaceful week.


Thank you.
