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★Science,Tech&Health 6. Introvert or Extrovert. Which One Are You? 内向的、それとも外交的、あなたはどちらですか?

November 14, 2015


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You are invited to a large party. Loud music is playing, and lots of people are dancing. Groups of people are mingling with each other, making small talk about many different topics.

You are invited to a large party. あなたは大きなパーティに招待されました Loud music is playing, 大音響で音楽が響き and lots of people are dancing. 多くの人たちがダンスをしています Groups of people are mingling with each other, グループの人たちはお互いに交流して making small talk about many different topics. 多くの話題に関して世間話をしています

What do you do? Do you mingle all night and talk to as many people as you can? Later, you cannot fall asleep -- you want more conversation!

What do you do? あなたならどうしますか? Do you mingle all night 一晩中交流してand talk to as many people as you can? できる限り多くの人たちとおしゃべりをしますか? Later, you cannot fall asleep 後で、眠れなくなってしまいます -- you want more conversation! でもあなたはもっとおしゃべりをしたいと思うようになります

Or do you prefer to have one-on-one conversations with just a few people? Maybe you find a quiet corner and people-watch. Or perhaps you cannot wait to go home early and relax by yourself.

Or do you prefer to have one-on-one conversations それとも、1対1で会話を持つ方を好みますか? with just a few people? ほんの数人の人たちと Maybe you find a quiet corner and people-watch. おそらくあなたは隅っこでおとなしくして他の人たちを見ているでしょう Or perhaps あるいは多分 you cannot wait to go home early and relax by yourself. 早く家に帰って一人でくつろぐことを待ちきれないでしょう

Which of these people sound most like you? Person A, who tries to talk to everyone and stays late? Or Person B, who prefers to talk to only a few people and leaves early?

Which of these people sound most like you? これらの人たちのどちらがあなたに一番そっくりでしょうか? Person A, Aさんの場合 who tries to talk to everyone and stays late? 誰とでも話をしようとして遅くまで残る人? Or Person B, あるいはBさんの場合 who prefers to talk to only a few people and leaves early? ほんの数人と会話してさっさと帰宅することを好む人?

If you said Person A, you are probably more extroverted. If you said Person B, you are probably more introverted. Or perhaps you are Person C and fall somewhere in the middle.

If you said Person A, もし、あなたがAさんタイプと言えば you are probably more extroverted. あなたは非常に外交的です If you said Person B, もし、あなたがBさんタイプと言えば you are probably more introverted. あなたはおそらくかなり内向的でしょう Or perhaps you are Person C あるいは、あなたはCタイプの人 and fall somewhere in the middle. つまり、その中間当たりの人です

Introvert vs. extrovert 内向性対外向性

Introvert and extrovert are two commonly used words to describe a person's personality. And they are also commonly misused and misunderstood.

Introvert and extrovert are two commonly used words 内向性と外向性は通常使われる2つの言葉です to describe a person's personality. 個性を表現するために And they are also commonly misused and misunderstood. しかし、これらはごく普通に、間違って使われたり、誤解されたりしています

Introverts may be viewed as quiet, shy and timid. They may be called "wallflowers," meaning they are so quiet they blend in with flowers on the wallpaper.

Introverts may be viewed as quiet, shy and timid. 内向性の人は、おとなしく、恥ずかしがり屋で臆病として見られています They may be called "wallflowers," 彼らは「壁の花」(※ダンスパーティーで誰にも相手にされずに独りぼっちで壁際にいる人)と呼ばれます meaning they are so quiet they blend in with flowers on the wallpaper. つまり、彼らは非常に物静かで壁紙の上の花と混ざっているという意味を持ちます

Extroverts may be viewed as bold, confident, loud and full of energy. They are often called "alpha," meaning a leader of the group.

Extroverts may be viewed as bold, confident, loud and full of energy. 外向性の人は、おそらく勇敢で、自信に溢れ、声が大きく元気いっぱいの人として見られているでしょう They are often called "alpha," 彼らはしばしば「アルファ」と呼ばれています meaning a leader of the group. つまり、グループのリーダーと意味があります

Introverted and extroverted people may fit those descriptions. But these same descriptions do not define introversion and extroversion properly.

Introverted and extroverted people may fit those descriptions. 内向的と外向的な人たちはこれらの表現に適しているかもしれません But these same descriptions しかし、これらと同じ表現が do not define introversion and extroversion properly. 内向性と外向性を定義しているわけではありません

Introverts and extroverts use their brains differently, and they get their energy differently. Introversion is the state of being mostly concerned with one's own mental life. Extroversion is the opposite. Extroversion is the state of being mostly concerned with what is outside oneself.

Introverts and extroverts use their brains differently, 内向性と外向性は異なる脳の使い方をします and they get their energy differently.また彼らのエネルギーを異なる方法で獲得します Introversion is the state of being mostly concerned with one's own mental life. 内向性はほとんど自分自身の精神的生活に関わっている状態を示します Extroversion is the opposite. 外向性はその反対です Extroversion is the state of being mostly concerned with what is outside oneself. つまり、外向性はほとんど自分自身の生活以外に関係している状態を示します

People who consider themselves introverts may say they need to be alone to charge their batteries or that being in large crowds makes them tired. However, introverts may still love being social and going to parties. But such activities require time to prepare and time to repair.

People who consider themselves introverts may say 彼ら自身が内向的だと考える人たちは多分話すでしょう they need to be alone to charge their batteries 彼らはバッテリーを充電するには一人でいる必要があるとか or that being in large crowds makes them tired. あるいは大群衆の中では疲れてしまうとHowever, しかしなからintroverts may still love being social 内向的な人は未だ社会的であることを愛しand going to parties. パーティに行こうとします But such activities require time to prepare and time to repair. しかし、そのような行動は準備の時間を必要とし、修復の時間を必要とします

Extroverts may say, "I don't need alone time. I feel more relaxed being around other people." Even so, extroverts can still feel unsure or not confident among other people.

Extroverts may say, 外交的な人は言うでしょう "I don't need alone time. 私は一人でいる時間を必要としない I feel more relaxed being around other people." 他の人たちが周りにいたほうがくつろげる気がする」と Even so, たとえそうであってもextroverts can still feel unsure or not confident among other people. 外交的な人は未だ不安に感じて他の人たちの中では自身がないのです

The power of introverts 内向的な人が秘めている力

Susan Cain is the author of "Quiet: The Power of Introverts."

※Susan Cain is the author of "Quiet: The Power of Introverts." スーザン・ケインさんは「物静か:内向的な人が秘めている力」の著者です

(※Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts:スーザン・ケイン:「内向的な人が秘めている力」:社交的で活動的であることが何より評価される文化において、内向的であることは肩身が狭く、恥ずかしいとさえ感じられます。しかしスーザン・ケインはこの情熱的な講演で、内向的な人は世界にものすごい才能と能力をもたらしているのであり、内向性はもっと評価され奨励されてしかるべきだと言っています。)





In an article published in Psychology Today, she explains that shyness is often considered a synonym of introversion. It is not. Shyness is having a fear of being judged poorly by others. Introverts just prefer being in quiet environments.

In an article published in Psychology Today, サイコロジー・トゥデイで発表された記事の中で she explains 彼女は説明しています that shyness is often considered a synonym of introversion. 内気はしばしば(心理学の)内向の同義語として考えられています It is not. そうではありません Shyness is having a fear of being judged poorly by others. 内向は他人によって不十分に評価されるという恐れを持っているのですIntroverts just prefer being in quiet environments. 内向性の人はただ静かな環境であることを望むだけなのですと

For example, Bill Gates, the inventor of Microsoft, is quiet and bookish, she writes. But Gates does not care about the opinions other people may have of him. He is an introvert, writes Cain, but he is not shy.

For example, たとえば Bill Gates, ビル・ゲイツ氏は the inventor of Microsoft, マイクロソフト社の創始者である is quiet and bookish, 物静かで読書が好きな人ですshe writes. 彼女はこう書いている But Gates does not care about the opinions しかし、彼は意見については気にかけません other people may have of him. おそらく他人が彼に対して持っている He is an introvert, 彼は内向的なのですwrites Cain, ケインさんはこのように書いている but he is not shy. しかし彼は内気ではありません

The famous singer and actor Barbra Streisand has an outgoing, larger-than-life personality, adds Cain. But Barbra Streisand, she writes, also has a paralyzing case of stage fright. This is a commonly used fixed expression. Performers who suffer from stage fright can quite literally be frozen or paralyzed on stage.

The famous singer and actor Barbra Streisand 有名な歌手で女優であるバーブラ・ストライサンドさんは has an outgoing, 社交的でlarger-than-life personality, 非常に印象的な個性を持っています adds Cain. ケインさんは付け足すBut Barbra Streisand, しかし、バーブラ・ストライサンドさんは she writes, 彼女が書いている also has a paralyzing case of stage fright. ステージ恐怖症で麻痺する症状をかかえていたと This is a commonly used fixed expression. これは通常、固定表現を使ったものです Performers who suffer from stage fright ステージ恐怖症に悩む出演者は can quite literally be frozen or paralyzed on stage. ステージで文字通りに凍り付くか、あるいは麻痺してしまうのです

Cain considers Babara Streisand a shy extrovert.

Cain considers ケインさんは考えている Babara Streisand a shy extrovert. バーブラ・ストライサンドさんは内向的外向性であると

In other words, there are nervous introverts and calm extroverts. And there are also shy extroverts and bold introverts. And there are many other combinations in between.

In other words, 言い換えれば there are nervous introverts 神経質的な内向性があってand calm extroverts. 落ち着いた外向性があるということです And there are also shy extroverts and bold introverts. また、内向的外向性と外交的内向性があります And there are many other combinations in between. その中間に多くの組み合わせがあります

I'm Anna Matteo. アンナ・マッテオがお伝えしました


●mingle with 交流する

●small おしゃべり、世間話

●introvert 内向性、内向的

●extrovert 外向性、外交的

●personality 個性、人柄

●timid 気弱な、臆病な

●wallpaper 壁紙

●quiet おとなしい、物静か

●bold 勇敢な、大胆な

●full of energy 元気いっぱい、活力がみなぎる

●mental life 精神生活

●large crowd 大群衆

●feel unsure 不安に感じる

●synonym 同義語

●larger-than-life 堂々とした、非常に印象的な

●paralyze 麻痺する

●stage fright ステージ恐怖症、舞台不安

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