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It was quite tricky to decide what to talk about because it’s not something I do that much nowadays but I remembered working on a team project in high school so I will talk about this. That being said, I think you can pretty much guess why by now, but this project was part of an assignment in school, so it was never my choice.

Personally, given the choice, I prefer to work by myself. I’m not a loner, by any means, but I just find working alone a lot easier and less stressful because you don’t have to worry about group dynamics. Having said that though, on this particular occasion, it all went without a hitch and I did enjoy it. I think what made it successful was that we appointed a group leader and she led the group well. Surprisingly, there was no competition between members and the group was cohesive.

The project that we were given was to create a five-minute video about climate change. We were given a four-week time limit to carry out the project and what worked really well for us was that we spent the first week planning it carefully. There were five of us in the team and we allocated different roles to different members such as research, script writing, presentation, editing and so on. I was delegated the research role and it suited me because I prefer to be behind the camera.

After completing this project, I felt that good teamwork skills are essential. There is a saying ‘there is no I in a team’ and it is vital to remember this. Having a good rapport with your teammates helps and I think this was key to our successful teamwork on this occasion.
