【lyrics/歌詞】独り言/Aqua Timez

Myビックバン 宇宙のひらめき 膨張を続ける銀河のルネッサンス
My big bang, the spark of the universe, the renaissance of the ever-expanding galaxy

An image of running at a tremendous speed in a far distance, poetry machine

Face-to-face with the existence of sound that has survived since ancient times

旋律が言葉を連れて ビートに出逢う 偶然というスペースで
The melody brings the words and meets the beat in a space called chance

何を歌おうか 何を叫ぼうか
What shall I sing, what shall I shout?

誰と笑おうか 誰と終わらせようか
Who shall I laugh with, who shall I end it with?

広い 広いこの宇宙に 青い青い星は浮かび
Blue, blue stars float in this wide, wide universe

きっと人は一瞬のような時間を過ごしてく それが終わる前
I'm sure people will spend a moment's time before it ends

何を残そう 何が残せる 今の僕には…
What should I leave behind? What can I leave behind? For me now...

無意識の闇に光るクリスタル 静寂にまつわるディープエトセトラ
A crystal that shines in the darkness of the unconscious, Deep et cetera about silence

渇望しながらその渦に飛び込み 悟る全ては過ぎ去ると
I plunge into that whirlpool while craving, and realize that everything will pass

生き そして我が煩悩よ 咲き誇り爆音への道を辿れ
Live and my worldly desires, bloom in full glory and follow the path to the explosion

沈む太陽にこそ上る意義はあるはず oh I miss blue sky
There should be meaning in climbing to the setting sun, oh I miss blue sky

一歩 一歩近づけばいい 黄色い 黄色い太陽に
One step, one step closer to the yellow, yellow sun

いっそ いっそ捨ててしまえばいい 愛という言葉が邪魔になるのならば
It's better if you just throw it away, if the word “love” gets in your way

思い出せない 魂が叫び通した 「愛」というものを
I can't remember the thing called "love" that my soul cried out

誰かに教えてもらうものではない それだけはわかってるんだ
It's not something that someone teaches me, that's all I know

教科書の解答パターンじゃ解けないquestion ヒントはdecrescendo
A question that can't be solved with textbook answer patterns, the hint is decrescendo

さあ 未来の記憶に耳澄まし ヴィジョンを吸い込んでまた歩き出すよ
Come on, listen carefully to the memories of the future, breathe in the vision and start walking again

未来が照らすこの1秒 一つだって無駄にせずに 味わうよ
I'll fully enjoy this 1 second that the future shining on

果てしなさを映し出す鏡を砕くと現る Nowhere, now-here, alive
It appears when you shatter the mirror that reflects the endlessness

広い 広いこの宇宙に 青い青い星は浮かび
Blue, blue stars float in this wide, wide universe

きっと人は一瞬のような時間を過ごしてく それが終わる前に
I'm sure people will spend a moment's time before it ends
