
Global Journey Diary vol.8 - Hiyori Miyagi

Hey there! It's Hiyori Miyagi, currently studying abroad in Minnesota, USA.

As I mentioned in my last blog, I've been hitting the gym about 2-3 times a week lately. Thanks to my gym buddy's influence, I've started using not only the treadmill but also the weight machines. Since I've never really done much weight training before, my muscles haven't been keeping up with the sudden exercise. The next day, I found myself walking like a robot from muscle soreness, and I couldn't even straighten my arms for two days. Seeing me like that, my gym buddy, who's learning Japanese, encourages me by saying "Tatakae," which means "fight on" in Japanese. So, I've got no choice but to push through!

Anyway, the other day, I realized that I haven't really introduced my university in detail yet. So, in this blog, I want to give you a campus tour while also sharing some of my favorite study spots and café menus.

1. Olin Hall with a Rooftop Observatory

Let me introduce you to two buildings where I usually attend classes. The first one is Olin Hall, where I take Astronomy classes. While we usually have lectures in the large auditoriums that can accommodate over 100 students, when we need to observe the stars and the moon, we head to the Observatory on the rooftop of this building. I absolutely love using the telescopes here to observe the night sky. Since my university is located on a hill, there are no buildings blocking the view, and we can enjoy a sky full of stars like in a planetarium.

2. Beck Hall, Where I Attend 90% of My Classes

The second building I want to introduce is Beck Hall. Here, they offer classes in business and economics, and as a Management major, I take most of my classes here. It's a three-story building with an open atrium, and I love the airy atmosphere with plenty of sunlight streaming in through the windows. Each classroom is equipped with a huge screen, so sometimes my friends and I use them to watch movies late at night.

3. Favorite Café Spot: Courtyard Cafe

Apart from the dining hall, we have two cafés on campus. Among them, my favorite is Courtyard Cafe. They have a great drink menu, and they also sell sandwiches, pastries, and yogurt. My recent top three favorites are:
1st: Matcha Latte (cold) with Coconut Syrup
2nd: Cold Brew
3rd: Mocha with Oat Milk

I often try out new drinks by eavesdropping on what the person in front of me orders, and the combination of matcha and coconut syrup is one of those drinks. It might sound unusual, but it surprisingly tastes amazing, and I keep coming back for more. Courtyard Cafe has a wide variety of syrups, so the customization options are almost endless. Since there are still so many combinations I haven't tried, I'm excited to continue exploring new flavors.

4. Favorite Study Spot: River Rock Coffee

Although it's not on campus, many Gustavus students visit this place to study. I usually do my assignments in the library or my dorm, but I occasionally come here for a change of scenery and a nice walk. The atmosphere inside is quiet and cozy, and the ambient noise level helps me focus and get work done efficiently.

5. Bonus: Bar Patric’s

This one's also not on campus, but let me introduce it anyway. Just like River Rock Coffee, Patric's, a bar located near the school, is bustling with locals and Gustavus students on weekends. Whenever I go out for drinks with friends, we almost always end up here. My go-to drink is the Margarita shown in the picture, and I'm hooked on the refreshing lime flavor and the salt rim of the glass. Sometimes, when I'm tired of studying, having a drink and forgetting about everything for a while is just what I need. Cheers!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of the campus and its surroundings. Gustavus is a small school compared to others, but I think that's one of its charms. Each facility is well-equipped, easy to access, and surrounded by nature, enriching the daily campus life of students.

Well, it feels like my first year of studying abroad is coming to an end already. In the next blog, I'll look back on this past year and share my excitement for the new semester ahead. Thanks for reading my blog again!
