
Wings of piano - Deemo

曲としてのWings of piano


この曲は、サビでは主に6451進行(ポップパンク進行)、それ以外では主に456進行というシンプルなかたちをとる。進行の種類は少なく、それが何度も繰り返され多様な進行を見せず、またメジャーコードである1, 4, 5を多く用いる。
転調もシンプルで、Key: Aから始まり、全音上のBへ、サビの終わりと同時にGに2全音下がり、全音、全音、半音上と展開する。最後はナチュラルマイナーとハーモニックマイナーを用いてフィニッシュ。


全体的にメジャースケールで進行し、前述の通り、進行はたった2種類。また、メジャーコードを多用し、転調も半音/全音上といった、曲のテンション感だけに寄与するであろうシンプルなものである。しかし、曲の最終盤では突如としてマイナーが出現し、183小節目以降; 最後10小節に渡って、マイナーの空気に包まれる。クセのある展開によって、単純さと単調さを回避している。
456進行は6がマイナーではあるものの、迫り上がってくる緊張感とややダークな感じが得られるだろう。また、サビの進行の6451進行はPop Punk進行と呼ばれ、洋楽ポップスの王道進行だ。マイナーから始まるがそれ以降がすべてメジャーコードであるため、暗さというより拓けていく感覚、安定した清々しい感じだろう。テンション感を上げる働きを持つこの曲の転調と、進行が複数の小節を跨ぎ比較的ゆったりとしていること、メロディーラインがオクターブで動くことと合わせて、これらの4つの要素により、徐々に視界が拓けていき、明るく自信に満ちた壮大な世界へ向かうようすを想像せざるを得ない。

As a song

The unique developments

The hook part of this song is on the ⅵ-Ⅳ-Ⅴ-Ⅰ progression, and the rest are on the Ⅳ-Ⅴ-ⅵ. The progressions are not various and repeated again and again, and have Ⅰ, Ⅳ, and Ⅴ, that is, major chords. 
The modulations are also easy to understand; starting with the A major scale, and proceeding with the B major scale as an upper whole-step modulation. As the hook part ends, the song has doubled lower whole-step modulation, which is changing into the G major scale. Then, progressing to an upper whole-step twice, and by a single upper half-step modulation, it is on the C major scale. It finishes with the natural and harmonic minor scale. 

The "aesthetic"

This song is overall on the major scales and obeyed just the two progressions that I mentioned above use major chords. The modulations are so simple that they only contribute to the song's climaxes. However, the minor scales suddenly emerge in the last part and veil in the minor atmosphere for the 10 bars. They get to prevent the song from being monotonous. 
We can feel surging tension and subtle darkness from Ⅳ-Ⅴ-ⅵ. The ⅵ-Ⅳ-Ⅴ-Ⅰ progression known as the Pop Punk Progression sounds bright, expanding, fresh, and stable feeling because of the three major chords following the initial minor chord. Moreover, the progressions are among several bars, which feels that it proceeds gradually but steadily. Plus, the melody has an octave. According to these factors, this song makes us imagine heading to the world in front of us, which is obvious, brilliant, confident, and spectacular
There are three noteworthy accidentals excluding the ones connected with the modulations. The first one is C#5 in the 107 bar. In this bar, because all diatonic tones are played except for B, it is pretty hard to interpret which accidental is the most accurate. I would say that is the augment 4th. The second one is B♭7(+11) in the 148 bar. This is the only substitute chord of this song. Thus, it emphasizes the following modulation forcibly. The last one is actually the last 10 bars. This song is on the A natural minor scale in that part all of a sudden. After using a tremolo, it becomes the harmonic minor. It eventually finishes with too tragic mood particularly seen in classics, even though it is consecutively on major scales. Is anyone dead at last?



At the end

Here is what you want. I feel you like this song. 
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