Reflection of class and about The Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)

Briefly explanation of speakers. Their name is Yuki Tokuda and Yuka Yamakawa. Yuki Tokuda is director of Union Sanwa and Yuka Yamakawa is director of JDO(Japan Drone Organization) and head of HR of Union Sanwa.

What is TITP?

The Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) is a government-sponsored initiative that aims to facilitate skill development and knowledge transfer by providing technical training opportunities to foreign workers in Japan. Established by the Japanese government in 1993, TITP has become an important avenue for international cooperation and cultural exchange, benefiting both the participating trainees and the host country.

Program Overview

TITP offers an opportunity for individuals from partner countries to receive on-the-job training in various industries such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture, healthcare, and hospitality. The program primarily targets developing countries and aims to support their economic development by transferring technical expertise and promoting mutual understanding between Japan and the trainees' home countries.

Duration and Structure

The duration of the TITP program varies depending on the industry and the trainee's skill level. On average, trainees participate in the program for a period of three to five years, during which they receive comprehensive technical training and practical work experience in their respective fields.

The program is structured in a way that combines both theoretical and practical training. Trainees are assigned to host companies where they work alongside Japanese professionals, gaining hands-on experience and learning industry-specific skills. In addition to practical training, trainees also attend classroom sessions to enhance their theoretical knowledge and language proficiency.

Benefits for Trainees

The TITP program offers numerous benefits for trainees, both professionally and personally. Firstly, trainees have the opportunity to acquire technical skills and knowledge that can be applied in their home countries upon completion of the program. This helps them contribute to the development of their local industries and economies.

Moreover, trainees get to experience the Japanese work culture, which emphasizes discipline, punctuality, and meticulous attention to detail. These attributes are highly valued in the global job market, making TITP participants more competitive and adaptable in their future careers.

The program also promotes cultural exchange and understanding. Trainees have the chance to immerse themselves in Japanese society, learning about its traditions, customs, and language. This cross-cultural exposure fosters mutual respect and appreciation, enriching the trainees' personal growth and intercultural competence.

Benefits for Japan

TITP benefits Japan in several ways. Firstly, it addresses the country's labor market needs by providing a source of skilled workers in industries experiencing labor shortages. By supplementing the domestic workforce, TITP helps ensure the smooth operation and growth of vital sectors in the Japanese economy.

Furthermore, TITP strengthens Japan's international relations by fostering collaboration and cooperation with partner countries. It promotes goodwill and mutual understanding, paving the way for future bilateral agreements and trade partnerships.

Challenges and Improvements

While TITP has proven to be beneficial, it is not without its challenges. Some critics argue that the program can lead to exploitation and abuse of trainees, particularly in terms of working conditions and wages. To address these concerns, the Japanese government has implemented various measures to ensure the protection and welfare of trainees, such as increasing the monitoring of host companies and improving grievance mechanisms.

There is also a need to enhance language training and cultural orientation programs to better prepare trainees for their time in Japan. Improving the language proficiency of trainees can enhance their ability to communicate effectively in the workplace and their daily lives, ultimately leading to a more enriching experience.


The Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) plays a crucial role in facilitating international skill development and fostering cultural exchange between Japan and partner countries. By providing technical training opportunities to foreign workers, TITP contributes to the economic growth of both participating nations and promotes global cooperation. While challenges exist, the Japanese government's commitment to improving the program's safeguards and support mechanisms ensures that trainees benefit from a safe and enriching experience. With continued efforts to address these challenges and promote the well-being of trainees, TITP holds the potential to become an even more effective program in the future.
