
パラリンピックから学べること | What we can learn through Paralympics

(English follows Japanese)

前回の note では私流のパラスポーツの楽しみ方を紹介しましたが全員にあてはまらない可能性があると少し触れました。今回は前回の内容の補足として、どういう事を念頭に入れてパラリンピックを観戦したらよいかを話したいと思います。


「障害を 1 つのルールとして捉えること」は、パラリンピックをハイパフォーマンススポーツとして観戦する上での 1 つのアイディアだと考えます。



一人一人の障害の重さもスポーツを通して実現したい事も異なるので、パラリンピックと同じ目線で見られると息苦しく感じてしまう人は多くいると思います。障害の種類や等級が様々なので、障害者のイメージ = パラリンピアンという偏った見方にならないよう気をつける必要があると思います。


In my previous note, I introduced my method on how to enjoy watching para-sports, and touched a little bit on how it may not be applied to all. In my post today, I will explain in detail on what I meant, and what we should keep in mind when viewing the Paralympic Games.  

If you haven't read my previous post, follow the link below:

"Considering disability as a rule in sports" is an idea I thought we could apply when watching the Paralympic Games as a high performance sports.

However, I would like to emphasize that it is not applicable to all para sports in general. This is because in Para-sports, not all participants share the same goal.

 One may participate in para-sports for:
 ・ rehabilitation
 ・ hobby or leisure
 ・ fitness and training 

Since each person's disability varies from one another, so does their goal or what they want to achieve through sports. If these people are viewed the same way we view Paralympic athletes, they may feel uncomfortable or more distanced to the society as they are pressured to fit in with the "superhuman athletes." There are various types and grades of disabilities, so it is necessary for us individuals to maintain an open-mind and avoid having a biased view that all disabled people should be like a Paralympian. 

In the Paralympic Games, we can learn so much beyond sports because we come to notice many social issues surrounding the event, and allows us to think more broadly on how we can promote an inclusive society. It has been a good occasion for me to re-evaluate my view of Sports. 

最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます! Thank you for reading!