






星座 :おひつじ座



色  :赤

性格 :まるでビジネスの世界で活躍するスーパーヒーローのようですね!先見の明があり、常に未来を見据えるため、新しいトレンドや機会をいち早くキャッチします。計画的な行動で一歩一歩目標に近づくのは、まるで地図に経路を描いて、障害を避けながら目的地に向かう探検家のようです。商才に長けている点では、市場の波を見極めるカリスマ的なセールスマンを思い起こさせます。何事もしっかり計画し、その計画に従って動くことで、ビジネスの世界では常に先手を打つことができます。決断力があり、変化を恐れない性格は、新しい挑戦や困難な状況でも臆することなく、果敢に挑んでいきます。この「恐れを知らぬ冒険者」スタイルは、時には周囲を驚かせることも。愛情表現が豊かである一方、情緒不安定になりがちというのは、感情の海を豊かに、時に荒々しく泳ぐ熱烈なロマンチストのよう。結構猜疑心が強く、気難しく思われがちなのは、複雑な心理劇の登場人物のようですが、その繊細さが深い人間関係を築く上での鍵ともなります。努力家であり、かなり几帳面なところは、どんな困難も乗り越える粘り強い職人気質。これがあれば、どんな目標も達成できるでしょう。周りからの信頼も厚いのは、これらの堅実で信頼できる特性が大きく寄与しています。

ここまでを英語で説明致します。I will explain this in English.

Queen's Day

Queen is a famous rock band from London, England, who first came to Japan on April 17, 1975. To celebrate this memorable day, Universal Music LLC USM Japan has established a special anniversary. As Queen's music continues to influence so many fans, commemorating such an anniversary is a meaningful way to celebrate the band's historic achievements and popularity in Japan. Queen's visit to Japan contributed to the further spread of rock music in Japan, and was an unforgettable moment for many music fans.

Gohei Mochi Anniversary

The fact that ``Gohei Mochi Anniversary'' is set as a day to honor Gohei Mochi, a local delicacy from the Shimoina region, and that the date is ``April 17th'' is a pun on ``shi(4)''. It is interesting that it comes from "moi (1) na (7)". Gohei mochi is a traditional food that is especially popular in the central and southern regions of Nagano Prefecture. This food consists of skewered mochi grilled and served with a special miso sauce spread on top. The distinctive taste of Gohei mochi lies in its simple yet rich miso sauce and the aromatic aroma of the mochi as it is grilled over charcoal. In the Shimoina area, the Gohei Mochi Memorial Day has been established in order to widely publicize the local culture and food culture through Gohei Mochi, attract tourists, and promote the region. These anniversaries celebrate the region's traditional foods and provide residents and visitors alike with an opportunity to rediscover their charm. Celebrating specific foods in each region is an attractive way to capitalize on the region's uniqueness, and has the effect of increasing interest in the local economy and culture. The ``Gohei Mochi Anniversary'' in the Shimoina area is extremely significant as part of such regional development efforts.

Personality of people born on April 17th

Constellation: Aries

Guardian planet: Mars

Natural element: fire

Color: Red

Personality: You look like a superhero who is active in the business world! We are forward-thinking and always look to the future, so we are quick to catch new trends and opportunities. Approaching your goal step by step through planned actions is like being an explorer who draws a route on a map and heads toward his destination while avoiding obstacles. In terms of his business acumen, he reminds me of a charismatic salesman who discerns market trends. By planning everything thoroughly and acting according to that plan, you can always stay ahead of the curve in the business world. A person who is decisive and not afraid of change, will boldly take on new challenges and difficult situations without hesitation. This "fearless adventurer" style sometimes surprises those around him. Although he is very expressive of his love, he tends to be emotionally unstable, like an ardent romantic who swims wildly in a sea of emotions. They tend to be seen as highly suspicious and difficult, like characters in a complex psychological drama, but their sensitivity is also the key to building deep human relationships. He is a hard worker and very methodical, and has a tenacious craftsmanship that allows him to overcome any difficulties. With this, you will be able to achieve any goal. These solid and reliable characteristics greatly contribute to the fact that we are highly trusted by those around us. In this way, characteristics that may seem contradictory at first glance are actually a collection of gems of multifaceted individuality. This ``complex and versatile person'' will add color and charm to any situation. It's truly a living drama, a walking mystery!


高見沢 俊彦

  • 1954年4月17日

  • ミュージシャン



  • 1959年4月17日

  • 俳優

黒田 崇矢

  • 1965年4月17日

  • 声優


  • 1967年4月17日

  • お笑いタレント

  • TIM

小林 賢太郎

  • 1973年4月17日

  • 俳優

  • 劇作家

  • コメディアン

  • ラーメンズ


  • 1974年4月17日

  • ファッションモデル

  • 歌手

  • Spice Girls

玉城 千春

  • 1977年4月17日

  • ミュージシャン

  • Kiroro


  • 1988年4月17日

  • ミュージシャン


相良 茉優

  • ?年4月17日

  • 声優






